Incoming ship letter from LEITH, franked with a British 2 1/2 penny stamp first cancelled in transit in AKUREYRI before being forwarded to Laxárdalur near Húsavík. RARE ITEM.
Interesting cover franked with greenish-blue 20 aur Oval stamp in perf 14 sent from AKUREYRI to the UNITED STATES in 1894. Various transit and arrival cancels on the reverse including STORNOWAY.
HVAMMSTANGI B2c1 on a very nice insured cover from 1940 franked with a 65 aur Gullfoss as well as a 40 aur Geysir stamp. Two was seals along with an AKUREYRI arrival cancel on back.
ÍSAFJÖRÐUR B2c1 on a domestic money letter in the amount of 50 kr. The cover franked with a pair of blue 40 aur Christian X stamps. Reykjavik arrival cancel as well as five wax seals on back.
ODDI B2c1 on a very decorative registered cover from 1920 sent by the well known stamp dealer Óskar Sæmundsson at Eystri-Garðsauki to Sweden. Transit and arrival cancels on back.
5 aur stamp in perf 13 with small "þrír" overprint on printed circular cancelled in Reykjavík on 11.11.97 and arrival cancelled with HAFNARFJÖRÐUR C1 crown cancel on front.
5 aur stamp in perf 13 with small black "þrír" as well as "3" overprint on printed circular cancelled in Reykjavík on 11.11.97 and arrival cancelled with HAFNARFJÖRÐUR C1 crown cancel on front. Two certificates accompany the item.
KÁLFATJÖRN C1 sem leiðarstimpill á 10 aura innanlandsbréfi sem stimplað hefur verið með óvenju skýrum MIKLIBÆR upprunastimpli. Leiðarstimplað Reykjavík á bakhlið.