1906 - Ísland - 69 - Bréf
Cover franked with a single 20 aur Christian IX stamp sent from Reykjavik to Sweden in 1906. LERWICK transit as well as LUND arrival cancels on back.
  • Lot: 62091
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 7
1937 - Ísland - 76 - Bréf
BÓT B1a on a very clean domestic cover franked with four copies of 5 aur Jochumsson sent to Akureyri in 1937.
  • Lot: 62011
ISK 16.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1909 - Ísland - 81 - Bréf
RARE DESTINATION. Postcard franked with 10 aur Two Kings stamp sent to MEXICO from Reykjavik in 1909, arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 62092
ISK 12.000,00
1963 - Ísland - 93 - Bréf
FELL B1a on 4.50 kr Reykjavik Harbour stamp on what presumably is a philatelic cover from 1963. Facit * (unpriced) due to rarity.
  • Lot: 62012
ISK 5.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 4
1925 - Ísland - 102 - Bréf
Incoming parcel card sent from Denmark in 1925. The import duty paid with five copies of 50 aur on 5 kr Christian IX tied to the card by "Tollur" handstamps. Various folds and wear.
  • Lot: 62140
ISK 19.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1902 - Ísland - 122 - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
CHINA - VERY RARE DESTINATION - FLATEYRI C2 on an amazing 5 aur double stationery card uprated with 5 aur stamp, sent via England with HULL SHIP LETTER transit and HANGCHOW arrival cancels on front. The inquiry card with full text on back, the reply card still attached (unused) with a Shanghai transit cancel on back. ONLY A COUPLE OF POSTAL ITEMS SENT TO CHINA IN THIS PERIOD ARE KNOWN TO EXIST.
  • Lot: 62061
ISK 1.000.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 47
1925 - Ísland - 135, 138 - Bréf
Extremely clean registered commercial banking cover sent from AKUREYRI to Copenhagen in 1925, franked with a brown 20 aur as well as 30 aur Christian X stamps of the first issue.
  • Lot: 62093
ISK 8.500,00
1939 - Ísland - 158 - Bréf
MIKLIBÆR B1a on a domestic cover franked with a single 20 aur Geysir stamp. VERY RARE CANCEL ON COVER.
  • Lot: 62013
ISK 96.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 15
1946 - Ísland - 165 - Bréf
NÚPUR B1a on domestic cover from 1946.
  • Lot: 62014
ISK 3.000,00
1952 - Ísland - 167 - Bréf
ÓSAR B1a on a registered philatelic cover from 1952.
  • Lot: 62015
ISK 1.800,00
1930 - Ísland - 173, 175, 179 - Bréf
Commercial cover from a Reykjavik wholesale firm to a Steel Works Company in Germany franked with an unusual combination of 3, 7 and 25 aur Parliament Millenary stamps making up the correct 35 aur rate.
  • Lot: 62094
ISK 7.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1930 - Ísland - 173, 175, 179 - Bréf
Cover sent as a ship letter to England franked with a single franking of a 35 aur Parliament Millenary stamp. The stamp first cancelled in transit upon arrival in Danish port with a Copenhagen machine cancel which is scarcely seen on Icelandic mail.
  • Lot: 62095
ISK 17.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 8
Ísland - 177 - Bréf
177 (Hjaltastaður) on domestic cover franked with two 10 aur Views stamps.
  • Lot: 62086
ISK 22.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1930 - Ísland - 189 - Bréf
Flugbréf sent frá Reykjavík til Seyðisfjarðar, frímerkt með tveimur 15 aura Alþingishátíðar flugmerkjum. Bréfið móttökustimplað á Seyðisfirði 10.VII.30.
  • Lot: 62062
ISK 4.500,00
1938 - Ísland - 194 - Bréf
EIÐAR B1a on cover from 1938 franked with 20 aur Gullfoss stamp.
  • Lot: 62016
ISK 2.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1977 - Ísland - 194 - Bréf
EIÐAR B1a on cover sent by registered Express mail to the Netherlands in 1977. Impression of numeral cancel "108" on the back flap.
  • Lot: 62017
ISK 2.200,00
Fjöldi boða: 3
1940 - Ísland - 206 - Bréf
Beautiful cover sent to Denmark in 1940 franked with a single 25 aur airmail stamp from the 1934 issue, the stamp tied by a SIGLUFJÖRDUR cds.
  • Lot: 62096
ISK 4.500,00
1953 - Ísland - 209 - Bréf
ÖGUR B1a on a registered philatelic cover from 1953.
  • Lot: 62018
ISK 2.200,00
1937 - Ísland - 210 - Annað
Forprentuð ávísun frá Landsbanka Íslands, Reykjavík. Ávísunin er gefin út af Fiskveiðihlutafélagið Hængur árið 1937. 10 aura frímerki hefur verið límt á ávísunina eins og leyfilegt var gera nota í stað þess að nota til þess sérprentað greiðslumerki, merkið svo stimplað með stimpli útgefandans. Fremur sjaldséð er að ávísanir eða reikningar með slíkri notkun frímerkja hafi varðveist og þá sérstaklega með einhverskonar ógildingu, en svo virðist sem frímerki sem notuð voru í þessum tilgangi hafi af einhverjum ástæðum, sem okkur eru ekki kunnar, sjaldan verið ógilt. Stimpilgjald þetta var innheimt af ávísunum og reikningum yfir 20 krónum á árunum 1935-1941. Um er að gera að lesa sig til um þetta í bók Þórs Þorsteins á vef Landssambands Íslenskra Frímerkjasafnara: https://www.postsaga.is/is/baekur/thor-thorsteins/gjalda-og-sofnunarmerki-auk-stimpla-a-islandi
  • Lot: 62139
ISK 6.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1937 - Ísland - 213 - Bréf
Double rate inland cover franked with eight copies of 5 aur Jochumsson, cancelled with the well known University machine slogan cancel used in Reykjavik during this period.
  • Lot: 62097
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1941 - Ísland - 217 - Bréf
Bréf frá „Sjómanna og Gestaheimili Siglufjarðar“ sent til Raufarhafnar árið 1941.
  • Lot: 62098
ISK 1.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1