1924 - Ísland - 105.. - Bréf
Registered cover sent to the United States in 1924. Franked with e.g. a pair of 20/40 aur Two Kings provisional (scarcely seen on cover). Two oval letter seals of the Reykjavik Postmaster on back, tied to the cover by the blue crayon registration crosses as well as a Philadelphia arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 64085
ISK 25.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1927 - Ísland - 124, 125 - Bréf
Illustrated advertising cover from stamp dealer Hugo A. Proppe sent to Finland at the 7 aur printed matter rate in 1927.
  • Lot: 64086
ISK 3.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1929 - Ísland - 130 - Bréf
AKUREYRI LOCAL RATE. Scarcely seen AKUREYRI usage of 8 aur Christian X stamp paying the local postcard rate.
  • Lot: 64087
ISK 1.800,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1924 - Ísland - 132 - Bréf
Registered cover sent to Norway in 1924 with NORÐFJÖRÐUR bridge cancellation tying the franking of five copies of the green 10 aur Christian X stamp to the cover. What's may be ESPECIALLY INTERESTING is the special boxed "Ábyrgðarbrjef" handstamp that has been applied in the lower left corner. In our opinion it is highly likely that this handstamp could have been in use at the Norðfjörður post office to supplement the Danish type handstamp inscribed with a simple "R".
  • Lot: 64088
ISK 6.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1925 - Ísland - 135, 138 - Bréf
Extremely clean registered commercial banking cover sent from AKUREYRI to Copenhagen in 1925, franked with a brown 20 aur as well as 30 aur Christian X stamps of the first issue.
  • Lot: 64089
ISK 8.500,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1925 - Ísland - 135 - Bréf
Very nice ship merchant's advertising cover sent from Reykjavik to Scotland in 1925.
  • Lot: 64090
ISK 3.500,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1922 - Ísland - 137 - Bréf
Single franking of red 25 aur Christian X stamp on postcard sent to Germany in 1922. The reverse shows the eruption of Mt. Katla in 1918.
  • Lot: 64091
ISK 1.800,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1928 - Ísland - 139.. - Bréf
Large piece from a postal item sent as registered printed matter to the United States in 1928.
  • Lot: 64092
ISK 1.500,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1935 - Ísland - 145 - Bréf
Printed matter rate cover sent to the United States in 1935, franked with seven copies of the 1 eyr value from the second Christian X issue.
  • Lot: 64093
ISK 3.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1938 - Ísland - 151 - Bréf
Oval Official letter seal of the Icelandic Postal Administration on the reverse of a 1938 cover sent to Denmark.
  • Lot: 64094
ISK 2.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1935 - Ísland - 160 - Bréf
Very clean cover with a nice usage of a pair of the 10 aur aeroplane overprint stamp with a very neat strike of the University slogan cancellation.
  • Lot: 64095
ISK 4.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1930 - Ísland - 178.. - Bréf
Litrík 35 aura frímerking af fjórum mismunandi Alþingishátíðarmerkjum (rétt burðargjald) á bréfi sendu til Þýskalands árið 1930. Þrjú merkjanna með ÁHUGAVERÐUM ÞÝSDKUM RAMMASTIMPLUM.
  • Lot: 64096
ISK 8.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 4
1930 - Ísland - 179.. - Bréf
Fallegt ábyrgðarbréf sent til Winnipeg í Kanada árið 1930, frímerkt með 25 otg 40 aura Alþingishátíðarfrímerkjum stimpluðum með myndastimpli: ÞINGVELLIR. Fjöldi leiðar- og komustimpla á bakhlið.
  • Lot: 64097
ISK 11.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 3
1930 - Ísland - 182.. - Bréf
Very beautiful and colourfully franked registered cover sent to the United Kingdom. Cancelled with nice strikes of the ÞINGVELLIR pictorial cancellation.
  • Lot: 64098
ISK 6.500,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1930 - Ísland - 187 - Snifsi
Einkar skemmtilegt EKTA NOTAÐ snifsi með ellefu 10 kr Alþingishátíðarmerkjum stimpluðum með Reykjavíkurstimpli. Eftir því sem við vitum best er engin ekta gengin, ófílatelistísk notkun þekkt af þessu verðgildi (á heilu bréfi).
  • Lot: 64099
ISK 30.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1938 - Ísland - 205, 206 - Bréf
Áhugavert bréf frá SIGLUFIRÐI, frímerkt með flugpóstmerkjum og sent til Svíþjóðar árið 1938.
  • Lot: 64100
ISK 5.500,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1940 - Ísland - 206 - Bréf
Beautiful cover sent to Denmark in 1940 franked with a single 25 aur airmail stamp from the 1934 issue, the stamp tied by a SIGLUFJÖRDUR cds.
  • Lot: 64101
ISK 3.800,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1937 - Ísland - 218 - Bréf
Scarcer franking consisting of a 10 aur Christian X jubilee stamp as well as a 5 aur Jochumsson stamp on a card with printed message, sent to Copenhagen in 1937.
  • Lot: 64102
ISK 4.500,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1
1946 - Ísland - 246 - Bréf
Scarce printed matter cover sent locally within HAFNARFJÖRDUR in 1946.
  • Lot: 64103
ISK 3.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
Ísland - 247 - Bréf
Neat little printed matter rate cover franked with a single 12 aur Fish stamp used within Reykjavík.
  • Lot: 64104
ISK 1.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: -
1944 - Ísland - 271 - Bréf
Parcel card sent as COD with a multiple franking in 1944. Vertical fold.
  • Lot: 64105
ISK 2.000,00
Tími eftir 5 days 7 hour
Fjöldi boða: 1