1897 - Ísland - 36 - Bréf
5 aur stamp in perf 13 with small "þrír" overprint on printed circular cancelled in Reykjavík on 11.11.97 and arrival cancelled with HAFNARFJÖRÐUR C1 crown cancel on front.
  • Lot: 62090
ISK 45.000,00
1909 - Ísland - 81 - Bréf
RARE DESTINATION. Postcard franked with 10 aur Two Kings stamp sent to MEXICO from Reykjavik in 1909, arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 62092
ISK 12.000,00
1914 - Ísland - Bréf
20 aur Frederik VIII on a commercial cover sent by a Reykjavík merchant to Germany in 1914. On the reverse is the merchant’s oval letter seal.
  • Lot: 62114
ISK 5.000,00
1915 - Ísland - Bréf
Unusual incoming parcel letter for THREE PARCELS, sent from HAVDRUP via Copenhagen (Denmark). REYKJAVIK arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 62115
ISK 5.500,00
1923 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming COD parcel card sent from Copenhagen in 1923, addressed to Akranes and a Reykjavik transit cancel from the customs post office.
  • Lot: 62116
ISK 2.500,00
1923 - Ísland - Bréf
Tiny little cover with a colourful franking of Christian X stamps sent from AKUREYRI to Húnavatnssýslu in 1923.
  • Lot: 62117
ISK 4.000,00
1925 - Ísland - 29 - Bréf
ÍSAFJÖRÐUR B2c1 on a domestic money letter in the amount of 50 kr. The cover franked with a pair of blue 40 aur Christian X stamps. Reykjavik arrival cancel as well as five wax seals on back.
  • Lot: 62007
ISK 20.000,00
1925 - Ísland - 135, 138 - Bréf
Extremely clean registered commercial banking cover sent from AKUREYRI to Copenhagen in 1925, franked with a brown 20 aur as well as 30 aur Christian X stamps of the first issue.
  • Lot: 62093
ISK 8.500,00
1929 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming German parcel card from 1929 sent business to business to a company in Reykjavík, unfranked. Copenhagen transit cancel on back and a faint Reykjavik arrival cancel on front.
  • Lot: 62118
ISK 1.500,00
1930 - Ísland - 189 - Bréf
Flugbréf sent frá Reykjavík til Seyðisfjarðar, frímerkt með tveimur 15 aura Alþingishátíðar flugmerkjum. Bréfið móttökustimplað á Seyðisfirði 10.VII.30.
  • Lot: 62062
ISK 4.500,00
1931 - Ísland - Bréf
Postcard mailed onboard the Graf Zeppelin during the Iceland flight in 1931, franked with a German 1 RM stamp.
  • Lot: 62065
ISK 13.000,00
1936 - Ísland - Bréf
Sérprentað minningarkort um komu Lindberghhjónanna til Íslands árið 1933, stimplað í Reykjavík Á MEÐAN þau dvöldust þar (þann 17. ágúst). Kortið frímerkt með íslenskum frímerkjum og sent til Bandaríkjanna.
  • Lot: 62066
ISK 9.500,00
1940 - Ísland - 206 - Bréf
Beautiful cover sent to Denmark in 1940 franked with a single 25 aur airmail stamp from the 1934 issue, the stamp tied by a SIGLUFJÖRDUR cds.
  • Lot: 62096
ISK 4.500,00
1941 - Ísland - Bréf
Small size banking cover with red meter postmark sent to England in 1941, octagonal crown censorship handstamp on front.
  • Lot: 62048
ISK 2.500,00
1943 - Ísland - 2 - Bréf
AKUREYRI B2c1x on COD cover in the amount of 3.50 kr, franked with a total of 1.12 kr.
  • Lot: 62002
ISK 2.500,00
1943 - Ísland - Bréf
Ritskoðað herpóstbréf frá Bandarískum hermanni stimplað APO 5 (Baldurshagi). WWII, WW2
  • Lot: 62078
ISK 2.000,00
1943 - Ísland - Bréf
Ritskoðað bréf frá amerískum hermanni í APO 860 frá 1943. WWII, WW2
  • Lot: 62079
ISK 2.000,00
1943 - Ísland - Bréf
Second last day for Royal Airforce mail to be cancelled with the "FPO 526" cds (April 5th 1943) before they started using the "RAF 001" cds on April 6th 1943 on a very clean little cover sent to England.
  • Lot: 62080
ISK 4.500,00
1945 - Ísland - Bréf
Ritskoðað flugpóstumslag til Danmerkur 1945.
  • Lot: 62049
ISK 1.800,00
1946 - Ísland - 165 - Bréf
NÚPUR B1a on domestic cover from 1946.
  • Lot: 62014
ISK 3.000,00
1947 - Ísland - Bréf
A.O.A. First North-Atlantic Flight cover sent from Finland in 1947.
  • Lot: 62067
ISK 2.800,00