ca 1912 - Ísland - 112, 113, 118 - Bréf

INCREDIBLE parcel letter for a 10 kg package insured for 250 kr containing covernment papers and therefore not affected by overweight as per the endorsement on front. Franked with 1,40 kr in silhouette stamps cancelled with the G1 Reykjavik type cancel from the parcel post office. Oval government hand stamp on back.

Ekki er hægt að bjóða lengur.
Lokið 28.8.2022 15:41:50
Vinnandi boð: ISK 127.000,00
Sjá boðsögu: 5 boð
Sendingarkostnaður (51 gram)

Sótt eða sent með eldri pöntun: ISK 0,00

Lot: 21980 (ISB1689)