2005 - Iceland - P#62 - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF)
SB. 500 kr red. Signature DO-IF. DIFFICULT SIGNATURE. EF (01)
  • Lot: 63108
ISK 3,000.00
2004 - Iceland - P#63 - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
SB 5 issue. 1000 kr violet. Signature SHØ (the Norwegian Svein Harald Øygard, temporary Manager of the Central Bank for only about 7 months in 2009, this version of the 1000 kr being the only banknote bearing his signature). UNC ( 0 )
  • Lot: 63110
ISK 4,000.00
2004 - Iceland - P#63 - Banknotes
SB 4 issue. 1000 kr violet. Signatures no. 3 & 4 (DO-EG & SHØ).
  • Lot: 63118
ISK 4,000.00
2013 - Iceland - P#65 - Banknotes - 0-01 (aUNC)
SÍ. 10000 kr blue. Signature MG, LOW SERIAL NO. 637. aUNC (0-01)
  • Lot: 63119
ISK 15,000.00
1994 - Iceland - KM#32-34 - Coin
Presidents of the Republic, three 1.000 kr silver coins in (paper/cardboard) box, 3 x 30 gr silver 0.925.
  • Lot: 63134
ISK 22,000.00
1981 - Iceland - Coin
PROOF coin set of 1981 in hard plastic casing.
  • Lot: 63136
ISK 2,500.00
2000 - Iceland - Coin
Coin set containing Proof coins from 2000 in presentation folder.
  • Lot: 63137
ISK 2,300.00
1911 - Iceland - Medals
VERY RARE medal for the 1911 UMFÍ sports tournament depicting Jón Sigurdsson.
  • Lot: 63140
ISK 85,000.00
1911 - Iceland - Medals
1911. Silver Medal, Reykjvik Industrial Exhibition June 17th 1911 (Skallagrímur Kveldúlfsson). VERY RARE.
  • Lot: 63141
ISK 85,000.00
1930 - Iceland - Medals
Parliament celebration medal of ÍSÍ from 1930, with ribbon.
  • Lot: 63142
ISK 18,000.00
1961 - Iceland - Medals
Medal Sigurður Nordal from 1966,
  • Lot: 63145
ISK 7,500.00
1983 - Iceland - Misc
"AFMÆLISSKJÖLDUR" Félags Áhugaljósmyndara í Reykjavík frá árinu 1983.
  • Lot: 63162
ISK 1,500.00
1985 - Iceland - Medals
1985 medal from the Reykjavík gardening society.
  • Lot: 63163
ISK 1,800.00
2009 - Iceland - Medals
Coin Collector's Association of Iceland 40th anniversary 2009 medal.
  • Lot: 63166
ISK 6,000.00
2012 - Iceland - Medals
Coin Collector's Association of Iceland medal, exhibition at the Nordic House in Reykjavik in 2012.
  • Lot: 63167
ISK 5,000.00
Iceland - Medals
Beautifully designed medal depicting the Parliament Building in Reykjvik with a 50 aur
  • Lot: 63170
ISK 4,000.00
Iceland - T7 - Coin
Trade token from P. J. Thorsteinsson Bíldudalur 100 aurar from the first issue. T7
  • Lot: 63172
ISK 70,000.00
Valid from 1897 - Iceland - Misc
Trade token from P. J. Thorsteinsson Bíldudalur 25 aur
  • Lot: 63174
ISK 18,000.00
1962 - Iceland - Medals
Rare drinking coin issued for the 25th anniversary of Icelandair in 1962. Withdrawn as the board of directors did not approve of the "Cat's Ass" it ilustrated. The coin is most often refered to as the "Cat's Ass".
  • Lot: 63178
ISK 30,000.00
Iceland - Coin
Seat token from the Vestmannaeyjar Cinema.
  • Lot: 63179
ISK 50,000.00
Iceland - Coin
Token from brauðgerðarhús (bakery) Sveins Þorvarðarsonar Hnífsdal. 1 bread.
  • Lot: 63180
ISK 6,000.00