ca 1910s - Iceland - Misc
Old bank check from Sparisjóður Arnfirðinga at Bíldudalur, unused.
  • Lot: 57903
ISK 4,800.00
No. of bids: 10
1911 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Sláturfélag Suðurlands, nominal value of 10 kr issued in 1911.
  • Lot: 57904
ISK 20,000.00
No. of bids: 11
1925 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Sláturfélag Suðurlands, nominal value of 10 kr issued in 1925.
  • Lot: 57906
ISK 34,000.00
No. of bids: 19
1925 - Iceland - Misc
BANKAVÍXILL. Lánavíxill á forprentuðu víxilformi frá ÍSLANDSBANKA - SEYÐISFIRÐI gefinn út af Einari Guðmundssyni á BURSTARFELLI (Vopnafjörður). Víxillinn er gefinn út árið 1925, 2 kr stimpilmerki límt á skjalið og stimplað með stimpli bankans. “Nóta” með útreikningum er enn heftuð við víxilinn.
  • Lot: 57907
ISK 7,500.00
No. of bids: 6
1937 - Iceland - Misc
Pre-printed cheque from Landsbanki Íslands, Reykjavík. The check is issued by Sláturfélag Suðurlands in 1937. A 10 aur postage stamp has been affixed to the check, as was allowed instead of using a specially printed Greidslumerki fee stamp. The stamp then cancelled with the office hand stamp of the entity issuing the cheque (in this case Sláturfélagid). Cheques or invoices/receipts with such usages of stamps instead of Greidslumerki are scarcely seen. For reasons probably not easily proven, the former applies especially to those where the postage stamp has actually been cancelled (either by manuscript or hand stamp). My suspicions lean towards it being so that used postage stamps were often removed from such documents due to their (even if only miniscule) value, while unused stamps without gum were closer to being worthless. This stamp duty was charged on checks and invoices/receipts over 20 Icelandic krónur in value during the years 1935-1941. More details on this can be read in Þór Þorstein's book on Icelandic revenues and theis usages available in .pdf format on the website of the Icelandic Philatelic Federation:
  • Lot: 57908
ISK 12,500.00
No. of bids: 8
1942 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “HF DJÚPBÁTURINN, ÍSAFIRÐI“, nominal value of 100 kr, issued in 1942.
  • Lot: 57909
ISK 9,000.00
No. of bids: 9
1945 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “SJÓVÁTRYGGINGARFJELAG ÍSLANDS HF“, nominal value of 375 kr, issued in 1945.
  • Lot: 57910
ISK 8,000.00
No. of bids: 6
1946 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in "HÓLAR HF" on Seltjarnarnes, nominal value of 100.000 kr issued in 1980. What makes the document a lot more interesting than other wise is the dual use of regular stimpilmerki applied in order to pay the fee required when the document was issued and then again with a documentary control stamp which was applied in 1948 to control and allocate assets to certain owners by name.
  • Lot: 57911
ISK 42,000.00
No. of bids: 17
1948 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “HRAÐFRYSTIHÚSIÐ FRAM“ at Fáskrúðsfjörður, beautiful document with a colourful mix of documentary revenues stamps on front.
  • Lot: 57912
ISK 38,000.00
No. of bids: 18
1956 - Iceland - Misc
Old bank check from ”Útvegsbanki Íslands, Útibúið á Siglufirði“, used in 1956.
  • Lot: 57914
ISK 1,000.00
No. of bids: 1
1960 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “MÁLNINGARVERKTAKAR KEFLAVÍKUR HF“, nominal value of 5.000 kr, issued in 1960.
  • Lot: 57915
ISK 7,000.00
No. of bids: 6
1961 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “Prentsmiðju Björns Jónssonar Akureyri“, nominal value of 1.000 kr, issued in 1961.
  • Lot: 57916
ISK 6,000.00
No. of bids: 4
1966 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “SÍLDARBRÆÐSLAN HF, DALVÍK“, nominal value of 1.000 kr, issued in 1966.
  • Lot: 57917
ISK 11,000.00
No. of bids: 10
1969 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “KALDBAKSVÍK HF“, nominal value of 500 kr, issued in 1969.
  • Lot: 57918
ISK 7,000.00
No. of bids: 4
1969 - Iceland - Misc
Old bank check from “Samvinnubankinn, Reykjavík“, used in 1969.
  • Lot: 57919
ISK 1,700.00
No. of bids: 6
1972 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “HF HAMAR“, nominal value of 20.000 kr, issued in 1972.
  • Lot: 57920
ISK 12,500.00
No. of bids: 14
1976 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in "PÓLARSKIP HF" , nominal value of 100.000 kr issued in 1976.
  • Lot: 57922
ISK 6,500.00
No. of bids: 7
1978 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in “Togaraafgreiðslunni Reykjavík“, nominal value of 1.000 kr, issued in 1978.
  • Lot: 57923
ISK 4,200.00
No. of bids: 6
1980 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Hafskip (shipping company), nominal value of 100.000 kr issued in 1980.
  • Lot: 57924
ISK 23,000.00
No. of bids: 25
1980 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in "HÓLAR HF" on Seltjarnarnes, nominal value of 100.000 kr issued in 1980.
  • Lot: 57925
ISK 7,500.00
No. of bids: 6
1980 - Iceland - Misc
SHARE CERTIFICATE. Share certificate in "UPSASTRÖND HF" on Dalvík, nominal value of 50.000 kr issued in 1981. The document however never filled out nor signed.
  • Lot: 57926
ISK 3,000.00
No. of bids: 1