1911 - Iceland - Medals
VERY RARE medal for the 1911 UMFÍ sports tournament depicting Jón Sigurdsson.
  • Lot: 60821
ISK 85,000.00
1922 - Iceland - Medals
Verðlaunapeningur Ungmennafélagið Dagsbrún fyrir skautahlaup 1922
  • Lot: 60823
ISK 9,000.00
1930 - Iceland - Medals
Parliament celebration medal of ÍSÍ from 1930, with ribbon.
  • Lot: 60824
ISK 18,000.00
1932 - Iceland - Medals
Icelandic week in Stockholm in 1931, medal.
  • Lot: 60825
ISK 18,000.00
1961 - Iceland - Medals
Medal Sigurður Nordal from 1966,
  • Lot: 60826
ISK 7,500.00
1976 - Iceland - Medals
Medal Tryggingamiðstöðin 1976.
  • Lot: 60829
ISK 4,000.00
1983 - Iceland - Misc
"AFMÆLISSKJÖLDUR" Félags Áhugaljósmyndara í Reykjavík frá árinu 1983.
  • Lot: 60830
ISK 1,500.00
1985 - Iceland - Medals
1985 medal from the Reykjavík gardening society.
  • Lot: 60831
ISK 1,800.00
1995 - Iceland - Medals
National tournament of SÍSL in Neskaupstadur from 1995.
  • Lot: 60834
ISK 1,500.00
2009 - Iceland - Medals
Coin Collector's Association of Iceland 40th anniversary 2009 medal.
  • Lot: 60836
ISK 6,000.00
2012 - Iceland - Medals
Coin Collector's Association of Iceland medal, exhibition at the Nordic House in Reykjavik in 2012.
  • Lot: 60837
ISK 5,000.00
Iceland - Medals
Award medal from a BOXING tournament in 1954.
  • Lot: 60841
ISK 2,500.00
Iceland - Medals
Heiðurskross ÍSÍ sem æðsta heiðursmerki ÍSÍ í upprunalegum kassa.
  • Lot: 60842
ISK 16,000.00
Iceland - T7 - Coin
Trade token from P. J. Thorsteinsson Bíldudalur 100 aurar from the first issue. T7
  • Lot: 60844
ISK 70,000.00
ca 1900 - Iceland - T19 - Coin
VÖRUPENINGUR. 10 aurar, Ólafur Árnason, Stokkseyri ca 1900.
  • Lot: 60845
ISK 9,000.00
Valid from 1897 - Iceland - Misc
Trade token from P. J. Thorsteinsson Bíldudalur 25 aur
  • Lot: 60846
ISK 18,000.00
ca 1900 - Iceland - Coin
Token J.R.B Lefolii 100 aurar around 1900.
  • Lot: 60847
ISK 13,500.00
ca 1900 - Iceland - Coin
Token J.R.B Lefolii 10 aurar around 1900.
  • Lot: 60848
ISK 9,000.00
pre-1902 - Iceland - Misc
Very rare 10 kr private currency from the store of ÁRNI SVEINSSON in ÍSAFJÖRDUR. Only 4-6 copies known in private hands.
  • Lot: 60849
ISK 48,000.00
1962 - Iceland - Medals
Rare drinking coin issued for the 25th anniversary of Icelandair in 1962. Withdrawn as the board of directors did not approve of the "Cat's Ass" it ilustrated. The coin is most often refered to as the "Cat's Ass".
  • Lot: 60850
ISK 30,000.00
Iceland - Coin
Seat token from the Vestmannaeyjar Cinema.
  • Lot: 60851
ISK 50,000.00