Rare first postal flight cover AKUREYRI - GRÍMSEY by Flugfélag Norðurlands from 27.2.1976, one of only 20 covers flown.
Lot: 63057
ISK 2,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1976 - Iceland - Cover
Rare first postal flight cover KÓPASKER - AKUREYRI by Flugfélag Norðurlands from 26.2.1976, one of only 20 covers flown.
Lot: 63058
ISK 2,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1976 - Iceland - Cover
Rare first postal flight cover AKUREYRI - VOPNAFJÖRÐUR by Flugfélag Norðurlands from 27.2.1976, one of only 20 covers flown.
Lot: 63059
ISK 2,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1976 - Iceland - Cover
Rare first postal flight cover SIGLUFJÖRÐUR - AKUREYRI by Flugfélag Norðurlands from 26.2.1976, one of only 20 covers flown.
Lot: 63060
ISK 3,900.00
No. of bids: 3
1978 - Iceland - Cover
Scarce 1978 EAGLE AIR NORTH POLE flight.
Lot: 63062
ISK 3,300.00
No. of bids: 2
1978 - Iceland - Cover
1978 Commemorative flight UK to Iceland, signed by the pilot.
Lot: 63063
ISK 2,400.00
No. of bids: 4
1983 - Iceland - Cover
Ansi sérstakt bréf úr fyrsta áætlunarflugi Flugleið á milli AKUREYRAR og KAUPMANNAHAFNAR árið 1983. Bréfið sent sem prentað mál TIL GRÆNLANDS að flugferðinni lokinni.
Lot: 63064
ISK 2,000.00
No. of bids: 1
1983 - Iceland - Cover
Flight cover sent with one of Icelandair's planes from the Faroe Islands to Copenhagen on 17.7.1983 commemorating the 20th anniversary on Icelandair operating flights to and from the Faroe Islands.
Lot: 63065
ISK 2,400.00
No. of bids: 2
1986 - Iceland - Cover
First postal flight with a REMOTE CONTROLLED AIRPLANE flown on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the city of Reykjavík as well as the 50th anniversary of the Civil Aviation Authority of Iceland in 1986. (Despite having spent most of my life up to my neck in icelandic stamps and covers, I must admit that this is the first time I have seen or even heard of this particular mail flight).
Lot: 63066
ISK 5,600.00
No. of bids: 4
1987 - Iceland - Cover
First Lufthansa Flight Boeing 737 from KEFLAVÍK AIRPORT to Dusseldorf and then onwards to Munchen in 1987.
Lot: 63067
ISK 3,200.00
No. of bids: 3
1993 - Iceland - Cover
DC-3 mail flight of the Icelandic Reforestation Service flown in 1993.
Lot: 63069
ISK 3,600.00
No. of bids: 3
1998 - Iceland - Cover
Icelandic Olympic Team flight to Tokyo with Icelandair/SAS.
Lot: 63070
ISK 1,500.00
No. of bids: 1
2002 - Iceland - Cover
Icelandair flight of the Icelandic Olympic team to Salt Lake City in 2002.
Lot: 63071
ISK 2,200.00
No. of bids: 6
2008 - Iceland - Cover
Fyrsta flug Boeing 737-500 vélar Lufthansa frá HAMBURG til KEFLAVÍKUR 14.6.2008 á póstkorti stimpluðu í Hamburg, að lokum móttökustimplað þegar það barst á áfangastað í umsjá Frímerkjasölunnar á Stórhöfða. Kort úr þessu flugi sjást nánast aldrei á markaði á Íslandi, okkur skilst að þetta flug hafi farið algjörlega framhjá íslenskum söfnurum.
Lot: 63072
ISK 2,700.00
No. of bids: 2
2018 - Iceland - Cover
First Luxair flight Luxembourg to Reykjavík with e.g. a personalized stamp from Luxembourg and an Icelandic cancel.
Lot: 63073
ISK 15,100.00
No. of bids: 21
1941 - Iceland - Cover
Very unusual incoming cover sent to a British 2nd Lt. in the Worcester Regiment in Iceland “C„ Force in September of 1941. The cover sent from Antiqua (British West Indies) seemingly from a civilian through the Engineering office of the US Airforce Base on the Island of Antiqua. The cover franked with two 10 cent stamps which are only first cancelled in Puerto Rico. The cover censored by the Americans in Antiqua (with an APO 806 censorship handstamp). The Worcester Regiment, which only stayed for a short period of time in Iceland had left Iceland for Great Britain by this time, thus the “Retired UK„ notation in red crayon.
Group of nine Icelandic aerogrammes, various values, issued between 1949 and 1954. Some unused while some have first day cancels.
Lot: 63080
ISK 2,800.00
No. of bids: 1
1978 - Iceland - Cover
First day cover from 1978 with the autograph of the holder of the first pilot's licence handed out in Iceland.
Lot: 63086
ISK 3,300.00
No. of bids: 2
1946 - Iceland - Cover
Interesting as well as rare cover sent to Belgium in 1946. The cover has been hand stamped with O.A.T. (Onward Air Transmission) handstamp in red while in transit in London, indicating that the cover should continue by airmail. Such handstamps are believed to have been struck on the upper most cover of each bundle of such mail.
Lot: 63103
ISK 22,000.00
No. of bids: 5
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Scarce cover sent to Switzerland in 1948. The cover has been hand stamped with O.A.T. (Onward Air Transmission) handstamp in red, meaning that the cover should continue by airmail. Such handstamps are believed to have been struck on the upper most cover of each bundle of such mail.
Lot: 63104
ISK 10,000.00
No. of bids: 2
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Flugpóstbréf sent með ábyrgðarpósti til Bandaríkjanna 1948 frímerkt m.a. með 75 aura og 2 kr merkjum úr flugmerkjaútgáfunni frá árinu 1947 sem eru alls ekki algeng á fallegum bréfum. Einnig fallegur flugpóstmiði.