Iceland - 1 - Stamp - Cancelled
AKUREYRI Antiqua cancel on a 16 aur Christian IX official stamp. This stamp scarcely found with nice cancels.
  • Lot: 62188
ISK 700.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 1 - Stamp - Cancelled
AKUREYRI Antiqua cancel on 40 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62189
ISK 1,200.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 1 - Stamp - Cancelled
AKUREYRI Antiqua cancel on 20 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62190
ISK 700.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 1 - Stamp - Cancelled
AKUREYRI on 5 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62191
ISK 900.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 2 - Stamp - Cancelled
BJARNARNES on 4 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62192
ISK 2,200.00
No. of bids: 3
Iceland - 2 - Stamp - Cancelled
AKUREYRI B2c1x on 75 aur Activities stamp from 1954. Scarcely seen properly postally used in this late period.
  • Lot: 62232
ISK 1,000.00
No. of bids: 2
Iceland - 2 - Stamp - Cancelled
2 (Eyrarbakki) on 5 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62440
ISK 1,600.00
No. of bids: 2
Iceland - 3 - Stamp - Cancelled
BÆR, extremely clear strike on 5 aur Oval stamp in perf 13.
  • Lot: 62193
ISK 1,200.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 3 - Stamp - Cancelled
3 (Fellsmúli) on 10 aur Two Kings with watermark crosses.
  • Lot: 62441
ISK 1,300.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 4 - Stamp - Cancelled
DALASÝSLA, very nice strike on 5 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62194
ISK 1,800.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 4 - Stamp - Cancelled
DALASÝSLA in a very fine strike on 20 aur Christian IX Official.
  • Lot: 62195
ISK 2,200.00
No. of bids: 2
Iceland - 4 - Stamp - Cancelled
BERUFJORD Lapidar cancel on 50 aur Í Gildi Official stamp (cto after validity of the stamp). This cancel is not known to exist on stamps cancelled in the correct period, it does however exist as a transit cancellation on the back of incoming covers sent from Denmark in 1872.
  • Lot: 62196
ISK 3,800.00
No. of bids: 4
Iceland - 5 - Stamp - Cancelled
DJÚPIVOGUR in quite a late usage on pair of 15 aur Two Kings.
  • Lot: 62197
ISK 1,200.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 6 - Stamp - Cancelled
EGILSTAÐIR on 3 aur Oval stamp in perf 14.
  • Lot: 62198
ISK 1,500.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 6 - Stamp - Cancelled
BOLUNGARVÍK B2c1 15 aur Two Kings.
  • Lot: 62233
ISK 800.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 6 - Stamp - Cancelled
6 (Mosfell 2) on 20 aur Museum Building stamp. Facit 500.
  • Lot: 62442
ISK 6,500.00
No. of bids: 8
Iceland - 7 - Stamp - Cancelled
ESKIFJÖRÐUR, very beautiful strike on 10 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62199
ISK 1,500.00
No. of bids: 4
Iceland - 7 - Stamp - Cancelled
7 (Reykir 2) in a very late use (or cto) on 1.75 kr Skálholt Charity stamp of 1956.
  • Lot: 62443
ISK 1,500.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 8 - Stamp - Cancelled
GRENJAÐARSTAÐUR Antiqua Cancel WITHOUT DATE on a 20 aur Gullfoss stamp.
  • Lot: 62200
ISK 1,500.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 8 - Stamp - Cancelled
8 (Stokkseyri) on 25 aur Sigurdsson.
  • Lot: 62444
ISK 1,100.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 8 - Stamp - Cancelled
8 (Stokkseyri) on 5 aur Two Kings wmk crosses, the stamp with variety: broken upper left frame corner.
  • Lot: 62445
ISK 900.00
No. of bids: 1