ca 1905 - Iceland - 1 - Cover
Incoming ship letter from LEITH, franked with a British 2 1/2 penny stamp first cancelled in transit in AKUREYRI before being forwarded to Laxárdalur near Húsavík. RARE ITEM.
  • Lot: 61164
ISK 12,000.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 28 - Cut
20 aur in perf 13 on a ship mail cover sent to Germany. The cover first cancelled in transit in LEITH and with a scarcer PAQUEBOT handstamp with dot after alongside. German arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 61165
ISK 35,000.00
No. of bids: 1
1930 - Iceland - 168 - Cover
"BERGEN" machine cancel with a violet "Paquebot" handstamp alongside on a commercial printed matter rate ship letter from 1930, sent to London
  • Lot: 61166
ISK 2,500.00
No. of bids: -
1930 - Iceland - 171 - Cover
Clean commercial cover sent as ship mail to Copenhagen in 1930, franked with a single 35 aur Views stamp. The cover first cancelled in transit in EDINBURGH 32 and with a PAQUEBOT alongside.
  • Lot: 61167
ISK 2,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1938 - Iceland - 228 - Cover
"BERGEN PAQUEBOT" (together in one) machine cancellation in a perfect strike on a single 20 aur Geysir on a very clean and nice little shipmal cover sent to Oslo.
  • Lot: 61168
ISK 2,800.00
No. of bids: 1
1938 - Iceland - 229 - Cover
HULL YORKSHIRE on shipmail cover sent to London in 1938, franked with as single 35 aur Geysir stamp. Unboxed "PAQUEBOT" alongside.
  • Lot: 61169
ISK 2,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1902 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
LIVERPOOL SHIP cds in red serving as a transit cancel on a double 10 aur Christian postal card (leaving the reply part unused) sent from Reykjavik to Paderborn, Germany on 15.12.1902.
  • Lot: 61170
ISK 12,000.00
No. of bids: -
1911 - Iceland - Cover
Incoming postcard from Denmark sent with the mail ship S/S "CERES" according to the endorsement.
  • Lot: 61171
ISK 2,000.00
No. of bids: -
1911 - Iceland - Cover
Incoming postcard sent from Copenhagen by "S/S Ceres" to Reykjavik in 1910.
  • Lot: 61172
ISK 3,000.00
No. of bids: -
1911 - Iceland - Cover
"GRIMSBY 7" transit cancel on front of a cover sent to Germany in 1911. The cover sent by the POSTCARD PUBLISHER - EINAR GUNNARSSON.
  • Lot: 61173
ISK 28,100.00
No. of bids: 9
1919 - Iceland - Cover
  • Lot: 61174
ISK 6,500.00
No. of bids: 2
1936 - Iceland - Cover
Ship letter franked with a British stamp, mailed onboard a ship destined for Reykjavík and cancelled there before being sent onwards to the addressee in the UK.
  • Lot: 61175
ISK 2,800.00
No. of bids: -
1937 - Iceland - Cover
Ship letter to Norway franked with a pair of 10 aur Dynjandi stamps that have been cancelled EDINBURGH PAQUEBOT, Bergen arrival machine slogan cancel on back.
  • Lot: 61176
ISK 3,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1956 - Iceland - Cover
Incoming collector's cover with stamps of the German Democratic Republic cancelled with boxed "Paquebot" of Reykjavik as well as a REYKJAVIK CDS from 1956.
  • Lot: 61177
ISK 700.00
No. of bids: 1
1960 - Iceland - Cover
Ekta póstgengið skipsbréf póstlagt um borð í „M.S. GULLFOSS“ á leið til Gautaborgar til eins af áhafnarmeðlimum annars skips Eimskipafélagsins „M.S. REYKJAFOSS“ í Gautaborg, áætlunarhöfn Reykjafoss. Bréfið frímerkt með íslenskum merkjum sem stimpluð voru við komuna til Gautaborgar. Slík bréf sem ekki hafa verið útbúin af söfnurum eru sjaldséð.
  • Lot: 61178
ISK 7,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1967 - Iceland - Cover
Scarcely seen properly postally forwarded ship mail postcard sent onboard an incoming ship from Denmark in 1967, franked with Swedish stamps that have been cancelled on arrival with a Reykjavík cds as well as the "Frá Danmörku" hand stamp.
  • Lot: 61179
ISK 2,800.00
No. of bids: -
1977 - Iceland - Cover
Cover cancelled LAUGARBAKKI with interesting return hand stamp "Þekkist ekki" (Not known).
  • Lot: 61180
ISK 1,800.00
No. of bids: -
1981 - Iceland - Cover
"J missing from REYKJAVÍK" in a machine cancellation on a fine little cover from 1981.
  • Lot: 61181
ISK 2,200.00
No. of bids: 4
1986 - Iceland - Cover
"PÓSTUR OG SÍMI - LAUGAR" cashiers handstamp on a postal receipt from 1986.
  • Lot: 61182
ISK 1,800.00
No. of bids: -
1995 - Iceland - Cover
  • Lot: 61183
ISK 1,200.00
No. of bids: -
1999 - Iceland - Cover
Unusual „Post Route Hike“ card from the 1999 hike bearing cancellations from all stops along the route from Reykjavík to Sandgerði (part of the route was covered each weekend for 5 weeks). Needless to say such cards are not common as hike-participants tended to be rather few.
  • Lot: 61184
ISK 2,000.00
No. of bids: -