1919 - Ísland - Bréf
Cover sent from SEYÐISFJÖRÐUR to Switzerland in 1919, Swizz censor tape and handstamp on back.
  • Lot: 61054
ISK 9.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1919 - Ísland - Bréf
Very interesting incoming cover sent as "Consignee Mail" by "S/S Lagarfoss" from New York where it has been cancelled by Customs authorities in New York.
  • Lot: 61124
ISK 6.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1920s - Ísland - 50 - Bréf
50 (Kópasker) on an unusual double rate domestic cover franked with a 15 aur as well as a red 25 aur Christian X stamps. Tear at bottom.
  • Lot: 61091
ISK 19.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 3
1920s - Ísland - 65 - Bréf
65 (Háls) numeral cancel in greenish blue ink tying a pair of the 10 aur Views issue stamp to clean domestic cover. This particular cancel is very scarcely seen in this colour.
  • Lot: 61092
ISK 20.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1920 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
8 aur Two Kings stationery inquiry card uprated with two 1 eyr stamps and sent from Reykjavík to Germany in 1920.
  • Lot: 61158
ISK 1.900,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1921 - Ísland - 51 - Bréf
SIGLUFJÖRÐUR B2c1y (25mm) on a postcard sent to HUNGARY in 1921, franked with two dark green 5 aur Christian X stamps.
  • Lot: 61042
ISK 5.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1922 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming underfranked cover from Germany (1922) with postage due marking of 50 centimes, as well as "T" and "40" in blue crayon.
  • Lot: 61125
ISK 5.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1923 - Ísland - 158 - Bréf
Cover franked with a pair of 10/5 aur Christian X provisional overprint stamps sent from Akranes to Reykjavík in 1923.
  • Lot: 61106
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1923 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming COD parcel card sent from Copenhagen in 1923, addressed to Akranes and a Reykjavik transit cancel from the customs post office.
  • Lot: 61126
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1923 - Ísland - Bréf
  • Lot: 61159
ISK 13.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 6
1924 - Ísland - 135, 137 - Bréf
Nice registered cover sent to Denmark. The cover franked with a brown 20 aur single as well as a pair of red 25 aur Christian X stamps covering the 70 aur rate. Arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 61104
ISK 5.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1925 - Ísland - 38 - Bréf
  • Lot: 61040
ISK 24.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 9
1925 - Ísland - 135, 138 - Bréf
Extremely clean registered commercial banking cover sent from AKUREYRI to Copenhagen in 1925, franked with a brown 20 aur as well as 30 aur Christian X stamps of the first issue.
  • Lot: 61105
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1925 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
Póstnotað 20 aura Safnahúss-bréfspjald sent til Þýskalands árið 1925, stimpill móttakanda á framhlið.
  • Lot: 61160
ISK 5.100,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1926 - Ísland - 125, 126 - Bréf
Nice little cover sent to Germany at the 7 aur printed matter rate in 1926, franked with one of each of the 3 and 4 aur values of the first Christian X issue.
  • Lot: 61103
ISK 5.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1926 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
10 aur lettercard additionally franked with a red 25 aur Christian X stamp and addressed to Germany in 1926.
  • Lot: 61161
ISK 1.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1928 - Ísland - 41 - Bréf
REYKJADALUR B3c á 20 aura Safnahússmerki á snyrtilegu bréfi sendu til EINARS OLGEIRSSONAR vinstri-leiðtoga og þingmanni á Akureyri árið 1928.
  • Lot: 61041
ISK 22.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 10
1928 - Ísland - 160 - Bréf
Bréf úr fyrsta flugi ÍSAFJÖRÐUR - REYKJAVIK, stimplað 23.VII.28.
  • Lot: 61059
ISK 6.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 3
1929 - Ísland - Bréf
Umslag merkt Vífilsstaðahæli sent yfirlækni á berklahæli í Finnlandi árið 1929.
  • Lot: 61127
ISK 8.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 3
1929 - Ísland - Bréf
Áhugavert peningabréf sent af SENDIHERRA ÍSLANDS Í KAUPMANNAHÖFN til EINARS OLGEIRSSONAR (vinstri-leiðtoga og þingmanni) á meðan hann dvaldi í Berlín vegna náms (1929). Þrjú vel varðeitt lakkinnsigli sendiherrans á bakhlið. (Frímerkið á bréfinu er aðeins gallað).
  • Lot: 61128
ISK 6.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1930 - Ísland - 189 - Bréf
Flugbréf sent frá Reykjavík til Seyðisfjarðar, frímerkt með tveimur 15 aura Alþingishátíðar flugmerkjum. Bréfið móttökustimplað á Seyðisfirði 10.VII.30.
  • Lot: 61063
ISK 4.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -