1960 - Ísland - AG5 - Heilpóstur - Ónotað
Óalgengt, ónotað 175 aura blátt „loftbréf“ (aerogram Facit nr. 5, gefið út árið 1957) sem selt hefur verið af póstinum með viðbættu burðargjaldi upp á 230 aura í formi rauðs frímerkingarvélstimpils dagsettum þann 10.1 árið 1962.
  • Lot: 61154
ISK 4.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1895 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
8 aur postal stationery card cancelled with a very clear strike of SEYÐISFJÖRÐUR Antiqua type cancel and sent to Denmark in 1895, Copenhagen transit and Skive arrival cancels on front.
  • Lot: 61155
ISK 2.800,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1899 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
Hreint og fallegt 5 aura bréfspjald sent frá Reykjavík til Danmerkur árið 1899 með 3 aura aukafrímerkingu (litlir 3 í tökkun 12 3/4).
  • Lot: 61156
ISK 17.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 3
1903 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
3 aura bréfspjald sent sem fundarboð innanbæjar í Reykjavík árið 1903 með hinum sjaldséða pósthússstimpli “Árdegis”.
  • Lot: 61157
ISK 32.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1920 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
8 aur Two Kings stationery inquiry card uprated with two 1 eyr stamps and sent from Reykjavík to Germany in 1920.
  • Lot: 61158
ISK 1.900,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1923 - Ísland - Bréf
  • Lot: 61159
ISK 13.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 6
1925 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
Póstnotað 20 aura Safnahúss-bréfspjald sent til Þýskalands árið 1925, stimpill móttakanda á framhlið.
  • Lot: 61160
ISK 5.100,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1926 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
10 aur lettercard additionally franked with a red 25 aur Christian X stamp and addressed to Germany in 1926.
  • Lot: 61161
ISK 1.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
2000 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
Postally used 35 kr postal stationery card with a 5 kr additional franking for the 40 kr rate, cancelled in Reykjavik in 2000. A yellow post office label asking the addressee to ask the sender to use the full and proper address on future mailings.
  • Lot: 61162
ISK 1.800,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1923 - Ísland - Bréf
  • Lot: 61163
ISK 75.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
ca 1905 - Ísland - 1 - Bréf
Incoming ship letter from LEITH, franked with a British 2 1/2 penny stamp first cancelled in transit in AKUREYRI before being forwarded to Laxárdalur near Húsavík. RARE ITEM.
  • Lot: 61164
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
Ísland - 28 - Snifsi
20 aur in perf 13 on a ship mail cover sent to Germany. The cover first cancelled in transit in LEITH and with a scarcer PAQUEBOT handstamp with dot after alongside. German arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 61165
ISK 35.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1930 - Ísland - 168 - Bréf
"BERGEN" machine cancel with a violet "Paquebot" handstamp alongside on a commercial printed matter rate ship letter from 1930, sent to London
  • Lot: 61166
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1930 - Ísland - 171 - Bréf
Clean commercial cover sent as ship mail to Copenhagen in 1930, franked with a single 35 aur Views stamp. The cover first cancelled in transit in EDINBURGH 32 and with a PAQUEBOT alongside.
  • Lot: 61167
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1938 - Ísland - 228 - Bréf
"BERGEN PAQUEBOT" (together in one) machine cancellation in a perfect strike on a single 20 aur Geysir on a very clean and nice little shipmal cover sent to Oslo.
  • Lot: 61168
ISK 2.800,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1938 - Ísland - 229 - Bréf
HULL YORKSHIRE on shipmail cover sent to London in 1938, franked with as single 35 aur Geysir stamp. Unboxed "PAQUEBOT" alongside.
  • Lot: 61169
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1902 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
LIVERPOOL SHIP cds in red serving as a transit cancel on a double 10 aur Christian postal card (leaving the reply part unused) sent from Reykjavik to Paderborn, Germany on 15.12.1902.
  • Lot: 61170
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1911 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming postcard from Denmark sent with the mail ship S/S "CERES" according to the endorsement.
  • Lot: 61171
ISK 2.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1911 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming postcard sent from Copenhagen by "S/S Ceres" to Reykjavik in 1910.
  • Lot: 61172
ISK 3.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1911 - Ísland - Bréf
"GRIMSBY 7" transit cancel on front of a cover sent to Germany in 1911. The cover sent by the POSTCARD PUBLISHER - EINAR GUNNARSSON.
  • Lot: 61173
ISK 28.100,00
Fjöldi boða: 9
1919 - Ísland - Bréf
  • Lot: 61174
ISK 6.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 2