Óalgengt, ónotað 175 aura blátt „loftbréf“ (aerogram Facit nr. 5, gefið út árið 1957) sem selt hefur verið af póstinum með viðbættu burðargjaldi upp á 230 aura í formi rauðs frímerkingarvélstimpils dagsettum þann 10.1 árið 1962.
Sjaldséður viðburðarstimpill með mynd af íslenskum fálka frá heimsókn Friðriks konungs áttunda til Íslands árið 1907 sleginn á 4 aura Tvíkónga þjónustumerki á framhlið einkar fallegs póstkorts með myndefni frá Tjörninni í Reykjavík, úr smiðju Sigfúsar Eymundsson.
Lot: 62153
ISK 27.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 6
Ísland - TJ44/TJ46 - Bréf
Window envelope franked with a pair of 5 aur and a single 15 aur Christian X official stamps cancelled in Hafnarfjördur.
Very clean Official cover franked with two 10 aur stamps with Official overprint, the stamps cancelled with REYKJAVIK machine cancel in 1939. Oval "SKRIFSTOFA FRÆÐSLUMÁLASTJÓRA REYKJAVÍK" handstamp in violet ink on back.
Lot: 62109
ISK 18.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1930 - Ísland - TJ62 - Bréf
RARE OFFICIAL COVER - franked with a single 10 aur Parliament Millenary stamp with Official overprint, sent within Reykjavik. Official embossed, crowned oval letter seal of the Ministry of Communications and Labour on back, sent to the office of the National Lighthouse Authority.
Lot: 62110
ISK 30.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 6
1930 - Ísland - TJ74 - Bréf
1930 cover franked with a single triangular 10 aur Official Airmail stamp from the Parliament Millenary issue. The stamp cancelled with the appropriate ÞINGVELLIR / THINGVELLIR pictorial cancellation with a strike of the ÞINGVELLIR circular date stamp alongside. The cover addressed to Reykjavik. Slightly reduced at bottom.
Lot: 62111
ISK 11.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 7
1940s - Ísland - Bréf
RARE DESTINATION - Cover sent from Einarsstadir to JAMAICA with WWII British censor strip and an arrival cancel "HALF-WAY-TREE JAMAICA" on back.
Lot: 62046
ISK 21.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 13
1941 - Ísland - Bréf
Clean censored cover sent from „Útvegsbanki Íslands“ in SEYÐISFJÖRÐUR to England in 1941.
Lot: 62047
ISK 4.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1941 - Ísland - Bréf
Small size banking cover with red meter postmark sent to England in 1941, octagonal crown censorship handstamp on front.