- Raða eftir: :
1924 - Ísland - 132 - Bréf
Registered cover sent to Norway in 1924 with NORÐFJÖRÐUR bridge cancellation tying the franking of five copies of the green 10 aur Christian X stamp to the cover. What's may be ESPECIALLY INTERESTING is the special boxed "Ábyrgðarbrjef" handstamp that has been applied in the lower left corner. In our opinion it is highly likely that this handstamp could have been in use at the Norðfjörður post office to supplement the Danish type handstamp inscribed with a simple "R".
- Lot: 64088
ISK 8.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1938 - Ísland - 152 - Bréf
Invoice form from the Post Office for a minimum customs charge of 1 kr along with a scarcely "additional fee" of 12% (in this case 12 aur) and eventually with the 50 aur processing fee which has been paid by affixing a pair of 25 aur stamps which have then been annuled with a Reykjavik CDS cancellation.
- Lot: 64219
ISK 19.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1