1967 - Ísland - 400 - Bréf
HALLDÓRSSTAÐIR B3e on a cover sent to Canada in 1967.
  • Lot: 64048
ISK 1.500,00
1972 - Ísland - 625 - Bréf
HVANNÁ B8b on a cover sent to Sweden in 1976.
  • Lot: 64073
ISK 1.800,00
1973 - Ísland - 354 - Bréf
LÁTUR MJÓAF. B2c2 on a philatelic cover from 1973, "negative" oval post office number handstamp "306" on back flap.
  • Lot: 64041
ISK 1.800,00
1973 - Ísland - 507 - Bréf
Unusual semi-postal franking on registered airmail cover sent to SOUTH WEST AFRICA in 1973 (correct postage), arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 64123
ISK 1.800,00
1976 - Ísland - 220 - Bréf
BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ B2a on cover sent to Sweden in 1976.
  • Lot: 64032
ISK 1.500,00
1977 - Ísland - 465 - Bréf
HAGANESVÍK B8e on a cover sent to Denmark in 1977.
  • Lot: 64060
ISK 1.500,00
1977 - Ísland - Bréf
Certificate for having been to GRÍMSEY island which lies north of the arctic circle.
  • Lot: 64151
ISK 1.200,00
1977 - Ísland - Bréf
Interesting Reykjavik local cover from 1977 with 30 kr paid in the form of a meter marking in red with a 10 kr stamp (to make up for a missing amount) added upon mailing, the stamp cancelled with Reykjavik CDS.
  • Lot: 64152
ISK 1.200,00
1979 - Ísland - Bréf
Mjög skemmtilegt og afar sjaldséð bréf frá árinu 1979, að því er virðist sent með DIPLÓMATAPÓSTI frá íslenska sendiráðinu í Moskvu til Bæjarfógetans á AKUREYRI.
  • Lot: 64183
ISK 6.000,00
1981 - Ísland - 592 - Bréf
VARMÁ B7b on a scarcely seen registered official mail cover to Reykjavík post office R-5 in 1981.
  • Lot: 64067
ISK 1.700,00
1982 - Ísland - 649 - Bréf
RANGÁ B8b, sjaldséður síðari tíma stimpill á bréfi utan af atkvæðaseðli frá árinu 1982.
  • Lot: 64074
ISK 2.500,00
1983 - Ísland - 618 - Bréf
Cover sent to Canada and then returned to Iceland with return markings.
  • Lot: 64125
ISK 1.000,00
1984 - Ísland - 469 - Bréf
HAUGANES B8e, very clearly struck on a genuine postally forwarded banking cover from 1984.
  • Lot: 64061
ISK 1.400,00
1987 - Ísland - Bréf
Umslag flogið með fyrsta flugi Lufthansa með Boeing 737 frá KEFLAVÍK til DÜSSELDORF og svo áfram til MÜNCHEN, frímerkið stimplað KEFLAVÍK - FLUGVÖLLUR 31. maí 1987.
  • Lot: 64178
ISK 2.000,00
1989 - Ísland - 369 - Bréf
VARMAHLÍÐ B2c2 cancel on a commercially used cover from 1989.
  • Lot: 64044
ISK 1.300,00
1990 - Ísland - Bréf
Ballot cover sent by registered mail from AKUREYRI in 1990.
  • Lot: 64153
ISK 1.500,00
1990 - Ísland - Bréf
BAHAMAS to Iceland - Scarce originating country on mail to Iceland, postcard from 1990.
  • Lot: 64184
ISK 1.000,00
1991 - Ísland - 580 - Bréf
LAUGAR B7b on registered cover sent in 1991.
  • Lot: 64066
ISK 1.300,00
1997 - Ísland - 462 - Bréf
GRUND B8e on cover sent franked with only a 30 kr stamp, an additional 5 kr stamo added in Borgarnes and cancelled there.
  • Lot: 64059
ISK 1.600,00
2009 - Ísland - 593 - Bréf
VIGUR B7b on 2009 cover sent to Sweden.
  • Lot: 64068
ISK 1.400,00
ca 1920? - Ísland - Bréf
Old telegram with a short Christmas greeting.
  • Lot: 64158
ISK 1.700,00