1934 - Iceland - 209 - Stamp - Cancelled
2 kr Flugfrímerki frá árinu 1934 með snyrtilegum Akureyrarstimpli.
  • Lot: 62815
ISK 1,300.00
1938-1947 - Iceland - 227-236 - Stamp - Cancelled
Geysir, complete fine used set in both perfs as well as an additional copy of the 45 aur value on very thin paper as listed in Facit.
  • Lot: 62820
ISK 1,800.00
1939 - Iceland - 230 - Stamp - Cancelled
40 aur Geysir stamp from 1939 in a cancelled block of four.
  • Lot: 62821
ISK 2,000.00
1941 - Iceland - 248C4 - Stamp - Cancelled
Einkar fallega Reykjavíkurstimplað rautt 25 aura Fiskamerki í línutökkun 14x14 frá árinu 1941 (C4).
  • Lot: 62827
ISK 1,000.00
1945-1946 - Iceland - 249C1 - Stamp - Cancelled
Reddish brown 25 aur Fish stamp in comb perf 14x14 from 1945-1946 (249C2) in block of four cancelled ÖNUNDARFJÖRÐUR.
  • Lot: 62828
ISK 900.00
1950 - Iceland - 307 - Stamp - Cancelled
Nicely Reykjavik-cancelled 1,80 kr Jón Arason stamp of 1950.
  • Lot: 62833
ISK 1,000.00
1952 - Iceland - 313 - Stamp - Cancelled
2,50 kr Jöklaflugsmerki frá árinu 1952 með skýrum stimpli ÞINGEYRI.
  • Lot: 62835
ISK 800.00
1960 - Iceland - 375 - Stamp - Cancelled
Nicely placed Reykjavik cancellation on a 4.50 kr Refugee Year stamp from 1960.
  • Lot: 62838
ISK 1,000.00
1962 - Iceland - 401 - Stamp - Cancelled
BÓT, fallega sleginn stimpill á 5,50 kr Evrópumerki frá árinu 1962.
  • Lot: 62841
ISK 1,000.00
1963 - Iceland - 413 - Stamp - Cancelled
Snyrtilega Reykjavíkurstimplað 3,50 kr + 50 aur Rauðakrossmerki frá árinu 1963.
  • Lot: 62842
ISK 900.00
1964 - Iceland - 419 - Stamp - Cancelled
Fjórblokk af 1 kr Blómamerki frá árinu 1964 fallega stimpluð HNJÓTUR.
  • Lot: 62844
ISK 1,000.00
1968 - Iceland - 453 - Stamp - Cancelled
Fjórblokk af 2,50 kr Blómamerki frá árinu 1968 fallega stimpluð YSTU-GARÐAR.
  • Lot: 62848
ISK 1,000.00
1970 - Iceland - 471 - Stamp - Cancelled
1 kr Landslagsmerki frá árinu 1970 fallega stimplað SKÚTUSTAÐIR.
  • Lot: 62850
ISK 1,000.00
1971 - Iceland - 490 - Stamp - Cancelled
5 kr Póstgírómerki frá árinu 1971 fallega stimplað BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ.
  • Lot: 62852
ISK 1,000.00
1975 - Iceland - 541v - Stamp - Cancelled
DATED BLOCK OF FOUR: 27 kr stamp from 1975 with dated corner margin 30.5.75 and with two bars (please see listing in Facit). Each of the stamps with a central cancel. Facit 550.
  • Lot: 62857
ISK 2,500.00
2008 - Iceland - 1240 - Stamp - Cancelled
DIFFICULT cancelled miniature sheet of the Forestation issue that was not included in the respective year folder and is therefore very sought after.
  • Lot: 62865
ISK 6,500.00
1873 - Iceland - TJ2 - Stamp - Cancelled
8 skilding Official stamp with some imperfections cancelled HJARDARHOLT.
  • Lot: 62866
ISK 4,500.00
1882-1895 - Iceland - TJ4-TJ9 - Stamp - Cancelled
Complete fine used set of officials in perf 14, six values in total. Facit 2.530.
  • Lot: 62868
ISK 5,200.00
Iceland - TJ6 - Stamp - Cancelled
10 aura merki í tökkun 14 með vel staðettum Reykjavíkurstimpli.
  • Lot: 62869
ISK 900.00
1876-1895 - Iceland - TJ7a-b - Stamp - Cancelled
Selected copies of both printings of the 16 aur official with nice corner cancels. Facit 750
  • Lot: 62870
ISK 2,600.00
1902-1903 - Iceland - TJ16/TJ25 - Stamp - Cancelled
9 different cancelled Í Gildi official stamps, incl. 5, 16, 20 and 50 aur in perf 14. Facit 3.588.
  • Lot: 62871
ISK 7,500.00