1901 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
5 aur postal stationery card sent from Reykjavik to Hamburg in 1901. The reverse is a printed advertisement by Reykjavik's leading merchant at the time, Th. A. Thomsen.
  • Lot: 64187
ISK 4,800.00
1905 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
IÐNAÐARMANNAFÉLAGIÐ - Fundarboð frá 1905 á bakhlið 3 aura Kristjáns IX bréfspjalds.
  • Lot: 64189
ISK 1,500.00
1906 - Iceland - 110 - Cover
110 (Hesteyri) as an arrival cancel on an incoming postcard from 1906, franked with a single 5 aur Christian IX stamp cancelled in ÍSAFJÖRDUR.
  • Lot: 64007
ISK 12,000.00
1909 - Iceland - 125 - Cover
125 (Bíldudalur), beautifully franked and cancelled inland cover from 1909 franked with ten 1 eyr Two Kings stamps. Transit cancelled PATREKSFJÖRDUR on back.
  • Lot: 64009
ISK 28,000.00
1909 - Iceland - 81 - Cover
RARE DESTINATION. Postcard franked with 10 aur Two Kings stamp sent to MEXICO from Reykjavik in 1909, arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 64082
ISK 12,000.00
1909 - Iceland - Cover - Cancelled
IÐNAÐARMANNAFÉLAGIÐ - Boð á dansskemmtun á bakhlið 3 aura Tvíkónga bréfspjalds, sent árið 1909.
  • Lot: 64191
ISK 1,500.00
1911 - Iceland - 76, 109 - Cover
Cover sent to the United States in 1911 franked with two copies of 1 eyr Two Kings as well as two copies of 4 aur Sigurdsson (total of 10 aur). Circular "T" postage due handstamp applied in Reykjavik prior to the cover's departure to the United States. Part of the reverse missing.
  • Lot: 64080
ISK 5,000.00
1912 - Iceland - 126 - Cover
126 (Brjánslækur) on domestic cover sent via AKUREYRI to SAUDARKROKUR in 1912. Transit and arrival cancels on back. ONLY 3-4 COVERS ARE KNOWN to exist with this cancellation.
  • Lot: 64010
ISK 35,000.00
1914 - Iceland - Cover
20 aur Frederik VIII on a commercial cover sent by a Reykjavík merchant to Germany in 1914. On the reverse is the merchant’s oval letter seal.
  • Lot: 64130
ISK 5,000.00
ca 1915 - Iceland - 84 - Cover
Very interesting printed advertising cover from a Reykjavik merchant franked with a 20 aur Two Kings stamp with SHIFTED CENTER CLICHÉ (kings heads). The stamp tied with a slightly blurry DÝRAFJÖRÐUR Lapidar cancel.
  • Lot: 64083
ISK 5,000.00
1915 - Iceland - Cover
Unusual incoming parcel letter for THREE PARCELS, sent from HAVDRUP via Copenhagen (Denmark). REYKJAVIK arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 64131
ISK 5,500.00
1922 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
Commercially used 25 aur Christian X stationery card sent to Sweden in 1922, full text on back.
  • Lot: 64195
ISK 3,000.00
1923 - Iceland - Cover
Incoming COD parcel card sent from Copenhagen in 1923, addressed to Akranes and a Reykjavik transit cancel from the customs post office.
  • Lot: 64133
ISK 2,500.00
1924 - Iceland - 105.. - Cover
Registered cover sent to the United States in 1924. Franked with e.g. a pair of 20/40 aur Two Kings provisional (scarcely seen on cover). Two oval letter seals of the Reykjavik Postmaster on back, tied to the cover by the blue crayon registration crosses as well as a Philadelphia arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 64085
ISK 25,000.00
1929 - Iceland - Cover
Incoming German parcel card from 1929 sent business to business to a company in Reykjavík, unfranked. Copenhagen transit cancel on back and a faint Reykjavik arrival cancel on front.
  • Lot: 64137
ISK 1,500.00
1930 - Iceland - 187 - Cut
Exceptional GENUINELY USED piece bearing eleven 10 kr Parliament Millenary stamps cancelled with Reykjavik cancels. According to our knowledge, no genuine, non-philatelic usages are known of this value (on complete cover).
  • Lot: 64099
ISK 30,000.00
1930 - Iceland - 189 - Cover
Airmail cover sent from Reykjavik to Seydisfjördur, franked with two 15 aur Parliament Millenary airmail stamps. Arrival cancelled in Seydisfjördur 10.VII.30.
  • Lot: 64164
ISK 4,500.00
1936 - Iceland - Cover
Special commemorative card honoring Charles Lindbergh and his wife during their visit to Iceland in 1933. The card franked with Icelandic stamps and cancelled in Reykjavik on August 17th, while they were still staying there. The card addressed to the United States.
  • Lot: 64170
ISK 9,500.00
1940s - Iceland - Cover
Scarce "CONSIGNEE" mail envelope sent from the United States to Iceland during WWII, customs as well as censor tapes on back.
  • Lot: 64198
ISK 4,500.00
1941 - Iceland - Cover
Small size banking cover with red meter postmark sent to England in 1941, octagonal crown censorship handstamp on front.
  • Lot: 64199
ISK 1,800.00
1943 - Iceland - Cover
Censored military mail cover sent from a US serviceman cancelled APO 5 (Baldurshagi). WWII, WW2
  • Lot: 64201
ISK 2,000.00