1983 - Iceland - 618 - Cover
Cover sent to Canada and then returned to Iceland with return markings.
  • Lot: 64125
ISK 1,000.00
1984 - Iceland - 469 - Cover
HAUGANES B8e, very clearly struck on a genuine postally forwarded banking cover from 1984.
  • Lot: 64061
ISK 1,400.00
1986 - Iceland - Cover
Commemorative cover for the 50th anniversary of the wrecking of the Pourquoi Pas in Iceland.
  • Lot: A400233
Price ISK 1,500.00
1987 - Iceland - Cover
First Lufthansa Flight Boeing 737 from KEFLAVÍK AIRPORT to Dusseldorf and then onwards to Munchen in 1987.
  • Lot: 64178
ISK 2,000.00
1989 - Iceland - 369 - Cover
VARMAHLÍÐ B2c2 cancel on a commercially used cover from 1989.
  • Lot: 64044
ISK 1,300.00
1990 - Iceland - Cover
Ballot cover sent by registered mail from AKUREYRI in 1990.
  • Lot: 64153
ISK 1,500.00
1990 - Iceland - Cover
BAHAMAS to Iceland - Scarce originating country on mail to Iceland, postcard from 1990.
  • Lot: 64184
ISK 1,000.00
1991 - Iceland - 580 - Cover
LAUGAR B7b on registered cover sent in 1991.
  • Lot: 64066
ISK 1,300.00
1992 - Iceland - Cover
Express cover to Denmark from 1992, the label crossed out after one delivery attempt and hand stamp “Forsøgt” applied along with other hand stamps/cancellations on back.
  • Lot: isb408
Price ISK 850.00
1997 - Iceland - 462 - Cover
GRUND B8e on cover sent franked with only a 30 kr stamp, an additional 5 kr stamo added in Borgarnes and cancelled there.
  • Lot: 64059
ISK 1,600.00
2001 - Iceland - Cover
Scarcely seen Austrian postal stationery issued for the World Championships of ICELANDIC HORSES in 2001.
  • Lot: A501718
Price ISK 1,500.00
2009 - Iceland - 593 - Cover
VIGUR B7b on 2009 cover sent to Sweden.
  • Lot: 64068
ISK 1,400.00
ca 1920? - Iceland - Cover
Old telegram with a short Christmas greeting.
  • Lot: 64158
ISK 1,700.00
Iceland - Cover
Cover from the arctic voyage of M/S Funchal in 1991, mailed from Reykjavík.
  • Lot: A501120
Price ISK 700.00
Iceland - Stationery - Unused
Three unused postal stationery items.
  • Lot: isb1474
Price ISK 1,800.00
Iceland - 390 - Cover
KEFLAVÍK FLUGVÖLLUR B6e on a neat little cover with return to sender label.
  • Lot: 64045
ISK 1,600.00
Iceland - 247 - Cover
Neat little printed matter rate cover franked with a single 12 aur Fish stamp used within Reykjavík.
  • Lot: 64104
ISK 1,000.00
Iceland - TJ44/TJ46 - Cover
Window envelope franked with a pair of 5 aur and a single 15 aur Christian X official stamps cancelled in Hafnarfjördur.
  • Lot: 64127
ISK 4,500.00