GERÐAR B1a in a neat strike on pair of 20 aur Geysir.
Lot: 62263
ISK 3,400.00
No. of bids: 7
Iceland - 101 - Stamp - Cancelled
SVEINSEYRI C1 on 10 aur in perf 13. Facit 800.
Lot: 62401
ISK 2,000.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 101 - Stamp - Cancelled
Very unusual Belgian bar-cancellation along with a partial CDS cancel on 30/50 aur Christian IX provisional overprint stamp from 1925.
Lot: 62418
ISK 3,000.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 101 - Stamp - Cancelled
101 (Reykjarfjörður) on 15 aur Two Kings.
Lot: 62513
ISK 900.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 102 - Cut
GILSBAKKI B1a, beautiful strike of this very rare cancel on 12 aur Hekla stamp on piece. Quoted as "*" in Facit due to rarity.
Lot: 62264
ISK 15,000.00
No. of bids: 17
Iceland - 103 - Stamp - Cancelled
103 (Staðarbakki) on 10 aur Two Kings.
Lot: 62514
ISK 600.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 103 - Stamp - Cancelled
103 (Staðarbakki) on pair of 10 aur Two Kings Officials.
Lot: 62515
ISK 600.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 103 - Stamp - Cancelled
103 (Staðarbakki) on pair of 5 aur Two Kings.
Lot: 62516
ISK 500.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 105 - Cut
105 (Sveinsstaðir) on pair of 20 aur blue on piece.
Lot: 62517
ISK 500.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 105 - Cut
105 (Sveinsstaðir) on pair of lilac 40 aur Christian X from the first issue on small piece from a money letter. Numeral cancellations are uncommon on such high values.
Lot: 62518
ISK 1,600.00
No. of bids: 2
Iceland - 106 - Stamp - Cancelled
GRÍMSEY B1a on a block of four of the 75 aur + 25 aur Hollandshjálp charity stamp.
Lot: 62265
ISK 5,500.00
No. of bids: 10
Iceland - 107 - Stamp - Cancelled
GRINDAVÍK B1a on 1 kr Parliament Millenary stamp. Thin.
Lot: 62266
ISK 6,100.00
No. of bids: 5
Iceland - 107 - Stamp - Cancelled
ÚTSKÁLAR C1, well struck on a pair of 5 aur Oval stamps in perf 13, one stamp with a small surface scrape.
Lot: 62402
ISK 4,000.00
No. of bids: 11
Iceland - 107 - Stamp - Cancelled
107 (Arngerðareyri) on 10 aur Two Kings.
Lot: 62519
ISK 500.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 107 - Stamp - Cancelled
107 (Arngerðareyri) in a clear upside down strike on 1 eyr Jón Sigurðsson.
Lot: 62520
ISK 800.00
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 108 - Stamp - Cancelled
108 (Flateyri) very clear on green 5 aur Christian X.
Lot: 62521
ISK 1,600.00
No. of bids: 4
Iceland - 108 - Stamp - Cancelled
108 (Flateyri), extremely fine strike on 1 eyr Two Kings stamp.
Lot: 62522
ISK 2,200.00
No. of bids: 4
Iceland - 109 - Stamp - Cancelled
109 (Ögur) together with what is presumably a Borgarnes bridge cancel on 10 aur Two Kings.
Lot: 62523
ISK 900.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 110 - Stamp - Cancelled
HAGI B1a on a cto block of four of 15 aur Christian X Officials.
Lot: 62267
ISK 800.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 110 - Cut
110 (Hesteyri), very beautiful on 10 aur Christian IX on small piece.
Lot: 62524
ISK 1,000.00
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 112 - Stamp - Cancelled
ØNUNDARFJÖRÐUR C1 in black ink on pair of 10 aur oval stamps in perf 13.