Very unusual Express cover franked with a COMPLETE SET of the four stamps in perf 11 1/2 that were issued in January 1947, the cover cancelled in 1948. We have never seen a cover bearing all of these stamps together before.
Very clean registered cover sent to the United States in 1948 bearing a franking of eight copies of the red 25 aur Fish stamp as well as a single 60 aur Geysir stamp in per 11 1/2. U.S. customs handstamp on the front.
Interesting Reykjavik local cover from 1977 with 30 kr paid in the form of a meter marking in red with a 10 kr stamp (to make up for a missing amount) added upon mailing, the stamp cancelled with Reykjavik CDS.
Very scarce single franking of 35 kr Nordic Cooperation stamp on cover sent to Denmark in 1993 (correct postage sent during the year of issue for the stamp). Very seldom encountered.
RARE WATER DAMAGE LABEL - Unusual cover from 2018 with official postal label on back that apologizes for the shipment having become damaged by water while in transit by the Post.