1936 - Iceland - 195R - Cover
VARIETY: Two slot machine (automat) perforated 20 aur Gullfoss stamps on 1936 ship letter sent to the Danish Legation in Spain. The stamps cancelled with a machine cancel while in transit in EDINBURGH, Paquebot marking alongside.
  • Lot: 64225
ISK 7,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1947 - Iceland - 198 - Cover
ÞINGEYRI B1a cancel on cover franked with a single 50 aur Fish stamp.
  • Lot: 64030
ISK 1,200.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1938 - Iceland - 205, 206 - Cover
Áhugavert bréf frá SIGLUFIRÐI, frímerkt með flugpóstmerkjum og sent til Svíþjóðar árið 1938.
  • Lot: 64100
ISK 5,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: 1
1940 - Iceland - 206 - Cover
Beautiful cover sent to Denmark in 1940 franked with a single 25 aur airmail stamp from the 1934 issue, the stamp tied by a SIGLUFJÖRDUR cds.
  • Lot: 64101
ISK 3,800.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1953 - Iceland - 209 - Cover
ÖGUR B1a on a registered philatelic cover from 1953.
  • Lot: 64031
ISK 2,200.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1938 - Iceland - 210 - Cover
Pair of 10 aur Dynjandi on ship letter to Denmark, cancelled by BERGEN PAQUEBOT machine cancel while in transit.
  • Lot: 64226
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1937 - Iceland - 218 - Cover
Scarcer franking consisting of a 10 aur Christian X jubilee stamp as well as a 5 aur Jochumsson stamp on a card with printed message, sent to Copenhagen in 1937.
  • Lot: 64102
ISK 4,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: 1
1937 - Iceland - 218-220 - Cover
1937 Aniversary issue on a "Common Man's first day cover (FDC)", cancelled on the 15th of May, the day after the first day.
  • Lot: 64257
ISK 2,800.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1976 - Iceland - 220 - Cover
BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ B2a on cover sent to Sweden in 1976.
  • Lot: 64032
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1935 - Iceland - 227 - Cover
Ship letter from 1938 sent with Icelandic stamps onboard the Swedish M/S Kungsholm and cancelled with the ship's cds cancellation, arrival cancelled NORD KAP.
  • Lot: 64227
ISK 4,800.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1938 - Iceland - 227-229, 232 - Cover
The first four values of the Geysir series on a first day cover (FDC) cancelled on April 1st 1938 (1.4.1938).
  • Lot: 64258
ISK 2,800.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1940 - Iceland - 231, 245, 248 - Cover
Scarce first day cover with fish/Geysir stamps from 6.1.1940. Facit 3.000
  • Lot: 64259
ISK 11,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1943 - Iceland - 233, 247... - Cover
First day cover with those values of fish/Geysir/Viking that were issued in 1943.
  • Lot: 64260
ISK 5,800.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1937 - Iceland - 234 - Cover
ÞINGVELLIR B1a in an EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL strike on postcard sent in 1937.
  • Lot: 64033
ISK 10,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: 3
1945 - Iceland - 234, 246, 249, 262 - Cover
Fish, Geysir & Karlsefni, scarcer first day cover (FDC) from 26.3.1945. Facit 1.700
  • Lot: 64261
ISK 7,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1938 - Iceland - 237-239 - Cover
1938. University of Iceland. Complete set of three on first day cover (FDC) cancelled in Reykjavik.
  • Lot: 64262
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1939 - Iceland - 240.. - Cover
The first fish/flag stamps along with 40 aur Geysir on first day cover (FDC) dated 10.5.1939.
  • Lot: 64263
ISK 3,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1946 - Iceland - 246 - Cover
Scarce printed matter cover sent locally within HAFNARFJÖRDUR in 1946.
  • Lot: 64103
ISK 3,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 247 - Cover
Neat little printed matter rate cover franked with a single 12 aur Fish stamp used within Reykjavík.
  • Lot: 64104
ISK 1,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: -
1942 - Iceland - 248 - Cover
VERY RARE, boxed return handstamp "FINNST EKKI Í HÚSINU" on a 1942 Reykjavik local cover.
  • Lot: 64239
ISK 10,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: 1
1938 - Iceland - 251 - Cover
HÓLAR SKAG B2a tying a 20 aur Geysir stamp to a clean 1938 inland cover.
  • Lot: 64034
ISK 5,600.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: 2