ca 1905 - Iceland - 1 - Cover
Incoming ship letter from LEITH, franked with a British 2 1/2 penny stamp first cancelled in transit in AKUREYRI before being forwarded to Laxárdalur near Húsavík. RARE ITEM.
  • Lot: 64222
ISK 9,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1912 - Iceland - 113, 114 - Cover
Rare parcel letter sent to Denmark franked with 5 aur Frederik VIII as well as two copies of 25 aur Sigurdsson cancelled in Reykjavík. Endorsed "S/S Austri" (very rare).
  • Lot: 64223
ISK 45,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1922 - Iceland - 132 - Cover
Scarcer Copenhagen type wavy-lines machine cancellation on a 1922 ship letter sent to Copenhagen, "Fra Island" handstamp alongside.
  • Lot: 64224
ISK 4,500.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: 1
1936 - Iceland - 195R - Cover
VARIETY: Two slot machine (automat) perforated 20 aur Gullfoss stamps on 1936 ship letter sent to the Danish Legation in Spain. The stamps cancelled with a machine cancel while in transit in EDINBURGH, Paquebot marking alongside.
  • Lot: 64225
ISK 7,500.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1938 - Iceland - 210 - Cover
Pair of 10 aur Dynjandi on ship letter to Denmark, cancelled by BERGEN PAQUEBOT machine cancel while in transit.
  • Lot: 64226
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1935 - Iceland - 227 - Cover
Ship letter from 1938 sent with Icelandic stamps onboard the Swedish M/S Kungsholm and cancelled with the ship's cds cancellation, arrival cancelled NORD KAP.
  • Lot: 64227
ISK 4,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1897 - Iceland - Cover
5 aur postal stationery card sent to Hamburg in 1897 via EDINBURGH. A stamp is missing from the card, two filing holes.
  • Lot: 64228
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1908 - Iceland - Cover
Ship letter sent to Denmark in 1908 franked with a pair of 5 aur Two Kings. The stamps cancelled upon arrival in Copenhagen with line cancel "Fra Island", machine arrival cancellation on back.
  • Lot: 64229
ISK 3,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1911 - Iceland - Cover
Incoming postcard from Denmark sent with the mail ship S/S "CERES" according to the endorsement.
  • Lot: 64230
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1911 - Iceland - Cover
Incoming postcard sent from Copenhagen by "S/S Ceres" to Reykjavik in 1910.
  • Lot: 64231
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1936 - Iceland - Cover
Ship letter franked with a British stamp, mailed onboard a ship destined for Reykjavík and cancelled there before being sent onwards to the addressee in the UK.
  • Lot: 64232
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1967 - Iceland - Cover
Scarcely seen properly postally forwarded ship mail postcard sent onboard an incoming ship from Denmark in 1967, franked with Swedish stamps that have been cancelled on arrival with a Reykjavík cds as well as the "Frá Danmörku" hand stamp.
  • Lot: 64233
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1967 - Iceland - Cover
"Frá Finnlandi" from Reykjavik ship letter handstamp on 1967 cover.
  • Lot: 64234
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -