1894 - Iceland - 15c - Cover
Interesting cover franked with greenish-blue 20 aur Oval stamp in perf 14 sent from AKUREYRI to the UNITED STATES in 1894. Various transit and arrival cancels on the reverse including STORNOWAY.
  • Lot: 64077
ISK 28,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1895 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
5 aur stationery card sent from SEYDISFJÖRDUR in 1895, Copenhagen transit cancels on front. Full text on back.
  • Lot: 64186
ISK 3,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1896 - Iceland - 48 - Cover
KÁLFATJÖRN C1 as a transit cancel on the front of a 10 aur domestic cover with two unusually clear strikes of the originating cancel MIKLIBÆR. Reykjavík transit cancel on back.
  • Lot: 64001
ISK 130,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1896 - Iceland - 16 - Cover
SEYÐISFJÖRÐUR, very clearly struck on 10 aur Oval stamp in perf 13 on domestic cover. Arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 64005
ISK 20,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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ca 1897 - Iceland - 64 - Cover
MÝRAR C1 as a transit cancel on the back of a cover from ca 1897 which has regretfully had the stamp cut out. BÆR and ÍSAFJÖRDUR cancels on front.
  • Lot: 64002
ISK 7,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1897 - Iceland - 36 - Cover
5 aur stamp in perf 13 with small "þrír" overprint on printed circular cancelled in Reykjavík on 11.11.97 and arrival cancelled with HAFNARFJÖRÐUR C1 crown cancel on front.
  • Lot: 64078
ISK 28,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1897 - Iceland - 36 - Cover
5 aur stamp in perf 13 with small black "þrír" as well as "3" overprint on printed circular cancelled in Reykjavík on 11.11.97 and arrival cancelled with HAFNARFJÖRÐUR C1 crown cancel on front. Two certificates accompany the item.
  • Lot: 64079
ISK 35,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1900 - Iceland - 7 - Cover
ESKIFJÖRÐUR, especially nice strike on a beautiful cover with a single franking og 16 aur Oval stamp in perf 13 sent to Copenhagen in the year 1900.
  • Lot: 64004
ISK 30,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1901 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
5 aur postal stationery card sent from Reykjavik to Hamburg in 1901. The reverse is a printed advertisement by Reykjavik's leading merchant at the time, Th. A. Thomsen.
  • Lot: 64187
ISK 4,800.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1902-1908 - Iceland - TJ26, TJ29 - Cover
Official cover with a franking of 36 aur in Christian IX Official stamps cancelled SEYDISFJÖRDUR. The cover slightly reduced at left, correct postage for either a registered or insured cover in the period of 1902-1908.
  • Lot: 64126
ISK 7,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1903 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
5 aur Christian IX postal stationery card sent from Reykjavik in 1903 to the farm of Kollafjardarnes in Steingrimsfjördur, sent via Ísafjördur, thus two strikes of ÍSAFJÖRÐUR Antiqua cancel on front. Presumably carried by the S/S “Skálholt” as per the text.
  • Lot: 64188
ISK 1,700.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
No. of bids: 2
1905 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
IÐNAÐARMANNAFÉLAGIÐ - Fundarboð frá 1905 á bakhlið 3 aura Kristjáns IX bréfspjalds.
  • Lot: 64189
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1906 - Iceland - 110 - Cover
110 (Hesteyri) as an arrival cancel on an incoming postcard from 1906, franked with a single 5 aur Christian IX stamp cancelled in ÍSAFJÖRDUR.
  • Lot: 64007
ISK 12,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1907 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
BJÖRN M . ÓLSEN (m.a. fyrsti Rektor H.Í.) - 8 aura Kristjáns IX bréfspjald sent af Birni til frá Reykjavík til Kaupmannahafnar árið 1907. Móttökustimplað á bakhlið. ÞESS MÁ GETA að Björn þessi birtist á 1 krónu frímerki Háskólaútgáfunnar frá árinu 1961.
  • Lot: 64190
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1909 - Iceland - 125 - Cover
125 (Bíldudalur), beautifully franked and cancelled inland cover from 1909 franked with ten 1 eyr Two Kings stamps. Transit cancelled PATREKSFJÖRDUR on back.
  • Lot: 64009
ISK 28,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1909 - Iceland - 79 - Cover
Iceland to LOURENCO MARQUES. Extremely unusual postcard sent to this exotic Portuguese colony in today's Mozambique in 1909. Arrival cancel on the address side. POSSIBLY UNIQUE.
  • Lot: 64081
ISK 25,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1909 - Iceland - 81 - Cover
RARE DESTINATION. Postcard franked with 10 aur Two Kings stamp sent to MEXICO from Reykjavik in 1909, arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 64082
ISK 12,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1909 - Iceland - Cover - Cancelled
IÐNAÐARMANNAFÉLAGIÐ - Boð á dansskemmtun á bakhlið 3 aura Tvíkónga bréfspjalds, sent árið 1909.
  • Lot: 64191
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1909 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
Mjög skemmtilegt 4 aura spjaldbréf með innihaldi varðandi TALSÍMAHLUTAFÉLAG REYKJAVÍKUR sent árið 1909.
  • Lot: 64192
ISK 3,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1911 - Iceland - 76, 109 - Cover
Cover sent to the United States in 1911 franked with two copies of 1 eyr Two Kings as well as two copies of 4 aur Sigurdsson (total of 10 aur). Circular "T" postage due handstamp applied in Reykjavik prior to the cover's departure to the United States. Part of the reverse missing.
  • Lot: 64080
ISK 5,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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1912 - Iceland - 126 - Cover
126 (Brjánslækur) on domestic cover sent via AKUREYRI to SAUDARKROKUR in 1912. Transit and arrival cancels on back. ONLY 3-4 COVERS ARE KNOWN to exist with this cancellation.
  • Lot: 64010
ISK 35,000.00
Time left 5 days 2 hour
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