1945 - Iceland - Cover
1 kr Sigurdsson as well as 2 kr Karlsefni on a piece of a large envelope sent as domestic COD in 1945. The piece includes all information on both the sender as well as the addressee with the COD amount of 33 krónur. From the collection of the late Sigurdur Gestsson.
  • Lot: 64139
ISK 4,500.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: 1
1945 - Iceland - Cover
Censored airmail cover sent to Denmark in 1945.
  • Lot: 64200
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1946 - Iceland - 165 - Cover
NÚPUR B1a on domestic cover from 1946.
  • Lot: 64027
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1946 - Iceland - 246 - Cover
Scarce printed matter cover sent locally within HAFNARFJÖRDUR in 1946.
  • Lot: 64103
ISK 3,000.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1947 - Iceland - 198 - Cover
ÞINGEYRI B1a cancel on cover franked with a single 50 aur Fish stamp.
  • Lot: 64030
ISK 1,200.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
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1947 - Iceland - Cover
A.O.A. First North-Atlantic Flight cover sent from Finland in 1947.
  • Lot: 64172
ISK 2,800.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1948 - Iceland - 262 - Cover
262 (Varmahlíð) on a 1948 postcard sent to Norway bearing a single 45 aur Geysir stamp.
  • Lot: 64013
ISK 20,000.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Cacheted stamp dealer's advertising cover sent at the printed matter rate with a single 12 aur fish stamp to the United States in 1948.
  • Lot: 64140
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Very unusual Express cover franked with a COMPLETE SET of the four stamps in perf 11 1/2 that were issued in January 1947, the cover cancelled in 1948. We have never seen a cover bearing all of these stamps together before.
  • Lot: 64141
ISK 5,000.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Very clean registered cover sent to the United States in 1948 bearing a franking of eight copies of the red 25 aur Fish stamp as well as a single 60 aur Geysir stamp in per 11 1/2. U.S. customs handstamp on the front.
  • Lot: 64142
ISK 2,500.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: 1
1948 - Iceland - 275-276 - Cover
First scheduled flight Reykjavik-New York 1948.
  • Lot: 64165
ISK 1,200.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1949 - Iceland - 281 - Cover
Unusual single franking of 12 aur Mt. Hekla stamp on a 1949 printed matter rate cover.
  • Lot: 64106
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1949 - Iceland - 283 - Cover
Cover sent by Icelandic IMMIGRATION AUTHORITIES (see handstamp) to a Reykjavik addresse in 1949, the cover franked with a single 35 aur Hekla stamp.
  • Lot: 64107
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1950 - Iceland - Cover
Skemmtilega frímerkt flugpóstbréf til Kaupmannahafnar 1950, sent sem Express ábyrgðarbréf sem var alls ekki algengt á þessum tíma.
  • Lot: 64143
ISK 1,600.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1951 - Iceland - 328 - Cover
REYKJAHLÍÐ B2b on domestic cover from 1951. Scarce cancel on cover.
  • Lot: 64039
ISK 6,000.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1951 - Iceland - 304 - Cover
Beautiful little airmail cover sent to the German Democratic Republic in 1951 with an extremely clearly struck "LOFTLEIDIS / PAR AVION" cachet.
  • Lot: 64109
ISK 1,700.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1951 - Iceland - 307 - Cover
Nicely franked parcel card sent in 1951, bearing e.g. two copies of the 1.80 kr Bishop stamp of 1950 which is scarcely seen on cover.
  • Lot: 64110
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1952 - Iceland - 167 - Cover
ÓSAR B1a on a registered philatelic cover from 1952.
  • Lot: 64028
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1952 - Iceland - 286 - Cover
ICELAND TO BELGIAN CONGO. Very rare destination cover from 1952 franked with a single 1 kr Hekla stamp. Postage due stamps affixed upon arrival in Belgium Congo, these cancelled in LUSAMBO.
  • Lot: 64108
ISK 7,500.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -
1952 - Iceland - 308 - Cover
Parcel card with a neat high value franking sent domestically in 1952.
  • Lot: 64111
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: 1
1953 - Iceland - 209 - Cover
ÖGUR B1a on a registered philatelic cover from 1953.
  • Lot: 64031
ISK 2,200.00
Time left 4 days 17 hour
No. of bids: -