1953 - Iceland - 392 - Cover
BAKKAFJÖRÐUR B3e on cover from 1953.
  • Lot: 64046
ISK 1,600.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1953 - Iceland - 317 - Cover
1953 Parcel card with a single franking of 5 kr Sveinn Björnsson neatly cancelled AKUREYRI.
  • Lot: 64113
ISK 2,500.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1953 - Iceland - 318 - Cover
1953 Parcel card with a franking of 10 kr Björnsson as well as six copies of 50 aur Hekla.
  • Lot: 64114
ISK 2,500.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1953 - Iceland - Cover
SOUTH AFRICA to Iceland - Scarce originating country on mail to Iceland, cover from 1953.
  • Lot: 64180
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 5 days 0 hour
No. of bids: -
1955 - Iceland - Cover
Express cover sent to SPAIN in 1955 with a scarcer franking of e.g. a red 5 kr Hafstein stamp.
  • Lot: 64144
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1955 - Iceland - Cover
Very clean insured cover sent from Reykjavik to Siglufjördur in 1955. Two beautiful wax seals reading "Aðalskrifsstofa Landssímans" on back.
  • Lot: 64145
ISK 4,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1955 - Iceland - Cover
  • Lot: 64173
ISK 2,500.00
Time left 5 days 0 hour
No. of bids: -
1956 - Iceland - 340v - Cover
VARIETY: "Re-entry in right frame" (extension of right frame upwards" on 1.50 kr Sogsvirkjun Powerplant stamp on a cover cancelled in Hornafjördur in 1956. The variety is listed in Facit, very scarce on cover (pos. 9 in some sheets). From the collection of the late Sigurdur Gestsson.
  • Lot: 64116
ISK 4,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1956 - Iceland - Cover
Beautiful airmail cover to Belgium bearing a single franking of the 2,45 kr power plant stamp.
  • Lot: 64146
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1956 - Iceland - Stationery - Cancelled
Postally used 1.50 kr aerogramme sent from Saudarkrokur to Finland in 1956, full message inside.
  • Lot: 64197
ISK 2,800.00
Time left 5 days 0 hour
No. of bids: -
1957 - Iceland - 344 - Cover
1957 parcel card bearing e.g. an unusual franking of a block of four of the 1956 5 kr Gullfoss Waterfall stamp.
  • Lot: 64118
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: 1
1957 - Iceland - Cover
Registered cover sent by balloon mail in 1957.
  • Lot: 64174
ISK 3,500.00
Time left 5 days 0 hour
No. of bids: -
1958 - Iceland - 342 - Cover
Very nice commercial airmail cover sent toLiverpool in 1955 with a scarcer franking of 2.45 kr Aandakílsárvirkjun of the 1956 Powerplants issue.
  • Lot: 64117
ISK 2,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1958 - Iceland - 353.. - Cover
Domestic COD parcel card sent with a franking of e.g. two 25 kr Bessastadir stamps in 1958.
  • Lot: 64119
ISK 2,500.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1959 - Iceland - 292 - Cover
SKAMMIDALUR B2a, somewhat blurry on a 1941 domestic cover.
  • Lot: 64037
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1959 - Iceland - 363 - Cover
SIGLUFJÖRÐUR B2c2 brúarstimpill á fallegu fylgibréfi frá árinu 1959 sem frímerkt er með stöku 25 kr Bessastaðamerki.
  • Lot: 64042
ISK 3,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1959 - Iceland - 528 - Cover
STÓRI-LAMBHAGI B8e on a philatelic cover from 1959.
  • Lot: 64063
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1959 - Iceland - 545 - Cover
VESTMANNAEYJAR B8e tying a single 3.50 kr Flag stamp to a 1962 domestic commercial cover.
  • Lot: 64064
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1959 - Iceland - Cover
Advertising slogan cover sent by registered mail in 1959 with a franking that includes a 25 kr Bessastadir stamp which is scarcely seen on cover.
  • Lot: 64147
ISK 3,500.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: -
1959-1961 - Iceland - Cover
Þrjú Vatnajökuls-ábyrgðarbréf frá 1959 og 1961.
  • Lot: 64148
ISK 3,000.00
Time left 4 days 23 hour
No. of bids: 1
1960 - Iceland - AG5 - Stationery - Unused
Scarcely seen unused 175 aura light blue aerogramme which has been sold by the Post after having had a franking of 230 aurar added, in the form of a machine meter postmark in red ink. The meter mark dated 10.1.62.
  • Lot: 64185
ISK 3,500.00
Time left 5 days 0 hour
No. of bids: -