1888 - Ísland - 21 - Bréf

VÖLLUR on a 5 aur postal card dated at Eyvindarholt 5.12.88, the card sent via Reykjavik to Akureyri. The value stamp of the card which had not been annuled at Völlur cancelled while in transit in Reykjavik and an arrival cancel applied in Akureyri. The VÖLLUR cancellation is very rare even as a transit cancellation and when come accross the strikes tend to be very faint.

Ekki er hægt að bjóða lengur.
Lokið 12.11.2023 14:45:10
Vinnandi boð: ISK 12.500,00
Sjá boðsögu: 2 boð
Sendingarkostnaður (21 gram)

Sótt eða sent með eldri pöntun: ISK 0,00

Lot: 53372 (A502334)