1923 - Ísland - Bréf

Rare use of a single 2 kr Christian X stamp from the first issue on an incoming parcel card sent from Denmark in 1923. The 2 kr stamp used to pay import/customs fees for a parcel weighing 3800 grams, the stamp annuled with the circular date stamp of the Reykjavik customs post office according to the regulations that were in effect from the beginning of 1922 until March of 1924.

Tími eftir:1 days 3 hour (23.3.2025 15:36:30)
Upphafsboð:ISK 65.000,00
Sjá boðsögu: 0 boð
Hámarksboð þitt* ISK
*Kaupandaþóknun upp á 10% leggst við hæsta boð. Leggja boð
Skrá á vöktunarlista
Sendingarkostnaður (31 gram)

Sótt eða sent með eldri pöntun: ISK 0,00

Lot: 64220 (A504942)