1928 - Iceland - 160 - Cover
Commercial cover sent from an Akureyri merchant by first flight AKUREYRI - REYKJAVIK on June 5th 1928. The cover endorsed: pr. "Súlan" in the lower left corner (Súlan was the name of the seaplane used for the flight).
  • Lot: 63088
ISK 27,000.00
No. of bids: 16
1929 - Iceland - 161.. - Cover
Commercial domestic registered airmail cover franked with two 50 aur airmail stamps (aeroplane overprint) sent SIGLUFJÖRÐUR - REYKJAVÍK. The stamps cancelled in Siglufjördur on 4.7.1929 with the cover receiving its arrival cancel on the back in Reykjavik ON THE SAME DAY.
  • Lot: 63089
ISK 12,000.00
No. of bids: 1
1934 - Iceland - 204.. - Cover
Cover sent with an airmail label affixed from Reykjavík on November 1, 1934, franked with four different values ​​of the then newly issued Airmail Stamps. Sent to Germany by air and stamped at the airport in Berlin on November 8 and then finally again at the Nuremberg airport two hours later (same day). What is interesting is that the cover does not appear to have been postmarked when it arrived on the mainland after it's journey with the ship from Iceland before being sent on to Germany by airmail, as was the common precedure.
  • Lot: 63090
ISK 4,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1935 - Iceland - 154, 208 - Cover
Scarcely seen complete postal receipt from 1935 certifying an import company's payment of import duties for 2 parcels, 2 kr duty (1 kr minimum fee for each parcel) together with an 80 aurar customs handling fee. Two 1 kr flight stamps together with two 40-aura Christian X stamps affixed on the reverse of the receipt and each of the two Christian X stamps cancelled with it's own strike of "Tollur" handstamp while the other two stamps have been cancelled with the Reykjavík bridge cancellation which was in use at the Customs Post Office at the time.
  • Lot: 63087
ISK 20,000.00
No. of bids: 5
1938 - Iceland - 205, 208 - Cover
Skemmtilegt peningabréf frá árinu 1938, frímerkt með stöku 1 kr merki ásamt þremur 20 aura merkjum úr hinni fallegu flugmerkjaútgáfu frá árinu 1934. Bréfið sent frá Reykjavík til FLÖGU Í V-Skaft.
  • Lot: 63091
ISK 22,000.00
No. of bids: 2
1946 - Iceland - Cover
Interesting as well as rare cover sent to Belgium in 1946. The cover has been hand stamped with O.A.T. (Onward Air Transmission) handstamp in red while in transit in London, indicating that the cover should continue by airmail. Such handstamps are believed to have been struck on the upper most cover of each bundle of such mail.
  • Lot: 63103
ISK 22,000.00
No. of bids: 5
1948 - Iceland - 264 - Cover
Luggage tag franked with 5.70 kr in Icelandic stamps (incl. 5 kr Karlsefni in perf 11 1/2), cancelled KEFLAVÍK FLUGVÖLLUR 9.9.48. The tag seems to have been used in a similar manner as a sort of a parcel card, attached to a small package (presumably the small package was being sent as a letter). An interesting factor is that the sender seems to have been an employee of LOCKHEED that ran the airport at Keflavik for some years, starting from 1948 onwards.
  • Lot: 63093
ISK 7,600.00
No. of bids: 5
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Scarce cover sent to Switzerland in 1948. The cover has been hand stamped with O.A.T. (Onward Air Transmission) handstamp in red, meaning that the cover should continue by airmail. Such handstamps are believed to have been struck on the upper most cover of each bundle of such mail.
  • Lot: 63104
ISK 10,000.00
No. of bids: 2
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Flugpóstbréf sent með ábyrgðarpósti til Bandaríkjanna 1948 frímerkt m.a. með 75 aura og 2 kr merkjum úr flugmerkjaútgáfunni frá árinu 1947 sem eru alls ekki algeng á fallegum bréfum. Einnig fallegur flugpóstmiði.
  • Lot: 63105
ISK 2,600.00
No. of bids: 3
1948 - Iceland - Cover
Airmail cover sent from Denmark to Iceland in 1948, the addressee having left Iceland, the cover is RE-FRANKED with Icelandic stamps and FORWARDED to Italy. Such covers that have been re-franked and forwarded from Iceland for some reason are rarely seen.
  • Lot: 63106
ISK 4,800.00
No. of bids: 1
1949 - Iceland - 246 - Cover
Airmail cover sent to the Denmark in 1949 with an unusual franking covering the 1 kr postage rate, namely ten copies of the grey 10 aur Fish stamp issued in 1945.
  • Lot: 63092
ISK 1,600.00
No. of bids: 1
1951 - Iceland - 277.. - Cover
Very clean airmail cover sent to the Unites States in 1951 with a colourful franking that includes the 1 and 2 kr values from the beautiful airmail set issued in 1947.
  • Lot: 63094
ISK 2,000.00
No. of bids: 1
1952 - Iceland - 312 - Cover
Very clean postcard sent by airmail to Germany in 1952 with a rather unusual franking of e.g. 1.80 kr "Aeroplane flying over Glacier".
  • Lot: 63095
ISK 1,800.00
No. of bids: 1
1954 - Iceland - 314 - Cover
Airmail cover sent to the United States from Ísafjördur in 1954 franked with a single copy of the 3.30 kr "Aeroplane over Glacier" stamp which is quite scarce on cover.
  • Lot: 63096
ISK 2,800.00
No. of bids: 4
1961 - Iceland - Cover
VATNAJÖKULL expediton cover from 1961, SENT TO THE UNITED STATES, arrival cancels on back.
  • Lot: 63108
ISK 1,800.00
No. of bids: 1
1964 - Iceland - Cover
Mjög skemmtilegt póstkort meðn mynd af Cloudmaster vél Loftleiða yfir Reykjavík árið 1964. Bréfið sent til Noregs og burðargjaldið greitt með rauðum greiðsluvélstimpli með AUGLÝSINGU ICELANDIC AIRLINES. Bréfið stimplað bæði í Bodø og Bergen í Noregi áður en það var endursent til Íslands með endursendingarmiða á framhlið kortsins.
  • Lot: 63109
ISK 2,500.00
No. of bids: 1
1968 - Iceland - 425.. - Cover
Flugpóstbréf sent til Kanada árið 1968, frímerkt m.a. með 3,50 kr + 50 aura hjálparmerki með mynd af rjúpu frá árinu 1965 sem er ansi óvenjulegt á bréfi. Bréfið endursent til Íslands með merkingum á báðum hliðum.
  • Lot: 63099
ISK 2,000.00
No. of bids: -
1970 - Iceland - 435.. - Cover
Fallegt peningabréf með tryggingu upp á 20.000 íslenskar krónur sent til Svíþjóðar árið 1970. Bréfið er m.a. frímerkt með 50 kr Fjallkonumerki frá árinu 1965 sem er sjaldséð á bréfi. Fimm lakkinnsigli á bakhlið bréfsins.
  • Lot: 63100
ISK 2,700.00
No. of bids: 2
1970 - Iceland - 486 - Cover
VENEZUELA. Postcard sent by airmail from Reykjavik to Caracas, Venezuela in 1971. Scarce destination for Icelandic mail.
  • Lot: 63101
ISK 2,400.00
No. of bids: 2
1970 - Iceland - Cover
Unusually well preserved larger size parcel form for shipments abroad. The parcel and card by AIRMAIL to sent to Sweden in 1970 with the SCARCE FRANKING of 100 kr 25th Anniversary of the Republic issued in 1969.
  • Lot: 63110
ISK 4,000.00
No. of bids: 1
1972 - Iceland - Cover
Parcel card form intended for overseas destinations sent to Sweden as COD by AIRMAIL in 1972.
  • Lot: 63111
ISK 2,000.00
No. of bids: 1