Indonesia - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Indonesia, 6 different banknotes all in UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1003
Price ISK 1,290.00
Kazakhstan - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Kazakhstan, 3 different banknotes in UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1002
Price ISK 690.00
Indonesia - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Indonesia, 6 different banknotes all in UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1001
Price ISK 1,290.00
Malawi - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Malawi, 3 different banknotes in UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1000
Price ISK 890.00
2013 - USA - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
United States, Two Dollar banknote ($2) from the 2013 series, printing location "A" (Boston). Three STAR-MARKED REPLACEMENT NOTES in consecutive numbers in grade UNC (0) UNUSUAL.
  • Lot: ES1039
Price ISK 7,900.00
Georgia - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Georgía, 9 different banknotes, UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1025
Price ISK 1,790.00
Banknotes - Africa - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Africa, 7 different banknotes, each from a different African country in UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1032
Price ISK 1,990.00
Banknotes - Africa - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Africa, 12 different banknotes, each from a different African country in UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1033
Price ISK 2,950.00
Venezuela - Banknotes - 0 (UNC)
Venezuela, 6 different banknotes with beautiful bird illustrations on back, in UNC (0) grade.
  • Lot: ES1037
Price ISK 1,490.00
P#49 - Austria - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF)
Austria, 1 krone from 1919, P#49. (Please note: Year, signature and serial nos. may differ from note/notes pictured). XF (01)
  • Lot: ES5000
Price ISK 790.00
1922 - Austria - P#72 - Banknotes - 0-01 (aUNC)
Austria, 10 kronen from 1922, P#72. (Please note: Year, signature and serial nos. may differ from note/notes pictured). aUNC (0-01)
  • Lot: ES5001
Price ISK 790.00
1928 - Spain - P#75 - Banknotes - 0-01 (aUNC)
Spain, 50 pesetas from 1928. P#75. (Please note: Year, signature and serial nos. may differ from note/notes pictured). aUNC (0-01)
  • Lot: ES5005
Price ISK 1,290.00
1925 (1936) - Spain - P#69c - Banknotes - 0-01 (aUNC)
Spain, 100 pesetas from 1936 (issue of 1925). (Please note: Year, signature and serial nos. may differ from note/notes pictured). aUNC (0-01)
  • Lot: ES5006
Price ISK 1,490.00
1920 - Germany - P#69 - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF)
GERMAN REICH. 100 Mark 1920, P#69. Uncirculated but with some toning in margins. (Please note: Year, signature and serial nos. may differ from note/notes pictured). EF (01).
  • Lot: ES5007
Price ISK 1,190.00
1919 - Germany - Banknotes - 0-01 (aUNC)
GERMAN REICH. 50 Mark 1919, P#66. (Please note: Year, signature and serial nos. may differ from note/notes pictured). aUNC (0-01)
  • Lot: ES5008
Price ISK 2,500.00
2007-2012 - Sweden - P#66c - Banknotes - 0-01 (aUNC)
SWEDEN. 500 kr 2007-2012, signature c = Stefan Ingves. P#66c. aUNC (0-01)
  • Lot: ES5009
Price ISK 9,500.00
2005 - Sweden - P#67 - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF), 1+ (VF)
Sweden, 1,000 kr banknote from 2005. P#67. VF - XF (01/1+). (Actual serial number/s and signature/s may vary from the note pictured).
  • Lot: ES7001
Price ISK 16,500.00
1928 - Spain - P#75 - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF), 1+ (VF)
Spain, 50 pesetas from 1928. P#75. VF - XF (01/1+). (Picture is for reference, actual serial number/s and signature/s may vary).
  • Lot: ES7002
Price ISK 990.00
1935 - Spain - P#86 - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF), 1+ (VF)
Spain, 10 pesetas from 1935. P#86. VF-XF (01/1+). (Picture is for reference, actual serial number/s and signature/s may vary).
  • Lot: ES7003
Price ISK 990.00
1928 - Spain - P#74 - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF), 1+ (VF)
Spain, 25 pesetas from 1928. P#74. VF-XF (01/1+). (Picture is for reference, actual serial number/s and signature/s may vary).
  • Lot: ES7004
Price ISK 990.00
1928 - Spain - P#76 - Banknotes - 01 (EF or XF), 1+ (VF)
Spain, 100 pesetas from 1928. P#76. VF-XF (01/1+)
  • Lot: ES7005
Price ISK 990.00