1935-1941 - Iceland - 212-217 - Stamp - Mint Hinged
Matthias Jochumsson, complete mint set, létt hinged.
  • Lot: 62699
ISK 1,400.00
1937-1938 - Iceland - 218-226 - Stamp - mint NH
1937-1938. Silver Jubilee of King Christian X and Leif Eiriksson. Complete set of three different values along with a three stamp strip from a souvenir/miniature sheet from the former issue as well as a strip of three from the souvenir/miniature sheet of the second mentioned issue. All stamps mint never hinged (MNH).
  • Lot: A550002
Price ISK 3,750.00
1938-1947 - Iceland - 227-236 - Stamp - mint NH
Geysir, complete MNH set in both perfs. Facit 1.900
  • Lot: 62700
ISK 5,500.00
1938-1947 - Iceland - 227-236 - Stamp - mint NH
Geysir, complete MNH set in both perfs as well as both paper varieties of the 45 aur. Facit 1.900
  • Lot: 62701
ISK 6,500.00
1938-1947 - Iceland - 227-236 - Stamp - mint NH
Geysir series complete MNH set in both perfs. Facit 1.900.
  • Lot: 62702
ISK 6,000.00
1938-1947 - Iceland - 227-236 - Stamp - Cancelled
Geysir, complete fine used set in both perfs as well as an additional copy of the 45 aur value on very thin paper as listed in Facit.
  • Lot: 62820
ISK 1,800.00
1939 - Iceland - 230 - Stamp - Cancelled
40 aur Geysir stamp from 1939 in a cancelled block of four.
  • Lot: 62821
ISK 2,000.00
1939-45 - Iceland - 240-251 - Stamp - mint NH
Fish & Flag, complete mint NEVER HINGED set in mixed perfs. Facit 1.933.
  • Lot: 62703
ISK 4,800.00
1941 - Iceland - 242C4 - Stamp - mint NH
Scarcely seen block of four of 5 aur fish stamp in LINE PERFORATION 14x14, never hinged. This stamp/perforation is one of the absolutely most difficult to get of all of the fish stamp perforations. Facit 4.000.
  • Lot: 62704
ISK 12,000.00
1941 - Iceland - 242C4 - Stamp - mint NH
5 aur fish stamp in LINE PERFORATION 14x14. Never hinged. This stamp/perforation is one of the absolutely most difficult to get of all of the fish stamp perforations.
  • Lot: 62705
ISK 4,500.00
1941 - Iceland - 245C4 - Stamp - mint NH
10 aur fish stamp in LINE PERFORATION 14x14. Never hinged. This stamp/perforation is one of the absolutely most difficult to get of all of the fish stamp perforations. Facit 1.500.
  • Lot: 62706
ISK 6,000.00
1941 - Iceland - 245C4 - Stamp - mint NH
Scarce NEVER HINGED corner block of four of the 10 aur fish stamp in LINE PERFORATION 14x14. This stamp in this perforation is one of the absolutely most difficult varieties (stp/perf combinations) of the fish series. Facit 6.000.
  • Lot: 62707
ISK 15,000.00
1941 - Iceland - 248C4 - Stamp - Cancelled
Einkar fallega Reykjavíkurstimplað rautt 25 aura Fiskamerki í línutökkun 14x14 frá árinu 1941 (C4).
  • Lot: 62827
ISK 1,000.00
1945-1946 - Iceland - 249C1 - Stamp - Cancelled
Reddish brown 25 aur Fish stamp in comb perf 14x14 from 1945-1946 (249C2) in block of four cancelled ÖNUNDARFJÖRÐUR.
  • Lot: 62828
ISK 900.00
1939 - Iceland - 252-255 - Stamp - mint NH
NYWF 1939, complete MNH set of four values.
  • Lot: 62708
ISK 4,500.00
1940 - Iceland - 256-258 - Stamp - mint NH
NYWF 1940, three values out of the four value set, never hinged.
  • Lot: 62709
ISK 1,200.00
1939-1945 - Iceland - 260-262 - Stamp - mint NH
Karlsefni complete MNH set in perf 14. Facit 750
  • Lot: 62711
ISK 3,200.00
1939-1945 - Iceland - 260-262 - Stamp - Mint Hinged
Karlsefni, complete set in perf 14, lightly hinged.
  • Lot: 62712
ISK 1,500.00
1947-1948 - Iceland - 263, 264, 280 - Stamp - mint NH
Karlsefni perf 11 1/2, complete MNH set.
  • Lot: 62713
ISK 5,800.00
1949 - Iceland - 296P - Misc
Proof of an unfinished die of an essay for the 2 kr UPU stamp of 1949, this with the design vertical rather than horizontal.
  • Lot: 62714
ISK 18,000.00
1950 - Iceland - 307 - Stamp - Cancelled
Nicely Reykjavik-cancelled 1,80 kr Jón Arason stamp of 1950.
  • Lot: 62833
ISK 1,000.00