1888 - Ísland - 21 - Bréf
VÖLLUR on a 5 aur postal card dated at Eyvindarholt 5.12.88, the card sent via Reykjavik to Akureyri. The value stamp of the card which had not been annuled at Völlur cancelled while in transit in Reykjavik and an arrival cancel applied in Akureyri. The VÖLLUR cancellation is very rare even as a transit cancellation and when come accross the strikes tend to be very faint.
  • Lot: 53372
ISK 12.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1890 - Ísland - 16 - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
MIKLIBÆR as a transit cancel on 5 aur postal card sent from Reykjavik to Gardi í Hegranesi (Skagafjardarsýsla) in 1890. The sender was the Landsbankinn National Bank in Reykjavik.
  • Lot: 53371
ISK 8.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1896 - Ísland - 35 - Bréf
HESTUR C1 á vel varðveittu og fallegu bréfi frímerktu með stöku 10 aura merki í tökkun 14 (pr. 7) sendu í gegnum Reykjavík að Austurkoti á Vatnsleysuströnd árið 1896. Stimpillinn sleginn tveimur skýrum slögum, eitt á frímerkið auk eins slags til hliðar. Leiðarstimplað í Reykjavík á bakhlið. Vottorð frá Carl Aage Møller fylgir. Eitt af aðeins þremur bréfum þekktum með þessum stimpli.
  • Lot: 53410
ISK 460.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 8
1904 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
3 aur Christian IX postal stationery card with full message regarding a lottery on back (non-philatelic), the card bears an additional 5 aur Christian IX stamp to make up the 8 aur rate. Sent from Reykjavik to Copenhagen in 1904 where it received a "OMB K" arrival handstamp.
  • Lot: 53472
ISK 4.900,00
Fjöldi boða: 6
1910 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
4 aur Two Kings lettercard sent to the Netherlands from Reykjavik in 1910, upfranked with two copies of 4 aur on front as well as two copies of 3 aur on back (total of 20 aur). EDINBURGH 25 transit as well as GRAVENHAGE arrival cancel on back.
  • Lot: 53474
ISK 27.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 12
1911 - Ísland - 42 - Bréf
42 (Reyðarfjörður) tying a 5 aur Two Kings stamp to a postcard sent to Reykjavík.
  • Lot: 53427
ISK 27.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1922 - Ísland - 138, 140 - Bréf
Registered cover franked with 40 aur blue as well as 30 aur Christian X, sent to Mr. Sveinn Björnsson later Icelandic president to Copenhagen in 1922. Several transit and arrival cancels on back incl. REGISTERED EDINBURGH. Harshly opened at right.
  • Lot: 53435
ISK 3.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1923 - Ísland - 131 - Bréf
Neat little mourning cover franked with a single 10 aur green Christian X stamp (local rate), cancelled REYKJAVÍK 18.II.23 .
  • Lot: 53433
ISK 3.200,00
Fjöldi boða: 5
1924 - Ísland - 141 - Bréf
Interesting cover sent to Switzerland. The cover is franked with a single 50 aur Christian X stamp and has more than likely originally been intended to be sent registered.
  • Lot: 53436
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1930 - Ísland - 188, 190 - Bréf
Fyrsta flug ÞINGVELLIR - REYKJAVÍK 26.VI.30.
  • Lot: 53415
ISK 5.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1930 - Ísland - Bréf
Fyrstaflugs umslag Dýrafjörður-Reykjavík 1930.
  • Lot: 53418
ISK 5.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1931 - Ísland - 162-164 - Bréf
Óvenjulega frímerkt ábyrgðarbréf sent með loftskipinu Graf Zeppelin frá Íslandi á leið til baka úr Íslandsflugi þess árið 1931. Frímerkt með öllum þremur verðgildum Zeppelin merkjanna og þar af er 30 aura merkið í fjórblokk. Bréfið að fluginu loknu sent til móttakandans í Vanløse en svo áframsent á nýjan verustað hans þar nálægt, í Roskilde. Allir leiðarstimplar og merkingar úr fluginu eru til staðar á bréfinu.
  • Lot: 53412
ISK 30.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 8
1931 - Ísland - 169 - Bréf
Very clean business cover with printed logo of "Morgunblaðið, Isafold og Vörður" franked with two copies of 10 aur Views sent from Reykjavik to Copenhagen in 1931.
  • Lot: 53438
ISK 4.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1931 - Ísland - 170 - Bréf
Unusual banking cover from 1931 where an illustrated business envelope originally from the then bankrupt Íslands Banki has been overprinted and the name of Útvegsbanki Íslands h.f. printed in the top center. The cover used from SEYDISFJÖRDUR 25.VI.1931 to Reykjavik.
  • Lot: 53440
ISK 6.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1933 - Ísland - 40 - Bréf
REYÐARFJÖRÐUR B2c1 on a domestic cover franked with 20 aur Gullfoss.
  • Lot: 53381
ISK 2.600,00
Fjöldi boða: 4
1937 - Ísland - Bréf
Very rare franking on 1937 banking cover from AKUREYRI in 1937. The cover franked with two copies of the 10 aur Christian X anniversary stamp cancelled in Akureyri and sent to a bank in Copenhagen.
  • Lot: 53460
ISK 34.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 7
1939 - Ísland - 29 - Bréf
ÍSAFJÖRÐUR B2c1 in four exceptional strikes on 5 aur printed matter postal stationery card franked with 3 and 5 aur Jochumsson stamps. Despite the card being philatelic the strikes are simply amazing.
  • Lot: 53377
ISK 14.100,00
Fjöldi boða: 14
1939 - Ísland - 37 - Bréf
ÓLAFSVÍK B2c1 on a 1939 registered cover with a colourful combination for the 70 aur franking, sent to a merchant in Reykjavík. Two wax seals as well as an arrival cancel on back. Somewhat worn.
  • Lot: 53378
ISK 19.100,00
Fjöldi boða: 12
1939 - Ísland - 160.. - Bréf
Fyrsta póstsvifflug á Íslandi, spjald stimplað 1939.
  • Lot: 53411
ISK 4.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 8
1939 - Ísland - 254 - Bréf
Skemmtilegt innanlandsbréf frímerkt með stöku 45 aura Heimssýningarmerki (NYWF 1939). Bréfið stimplað með afar snyrtilegum vélstimpli frá Reykjavík þann 31.12.1939 (Gamlársdag).
  • Lot: 53445
ISK 4.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1941 - Ísland - 204-209 - Bréf
Complete set of 1934 airmail stamps on a philatelic cover from 1941 with Reykjavik cancels. Horizontal fold not affecting the stamps.
  • Lot: 53441
ISK 3.800,00
Fjöldi boða: 4