FORSETAKOSNINGAR 1980. Umslag utan af atkvæðaseðli fyrir forsetakosningarnar árið 1980 þegar VIGDÍS FINNBOGADÓTTIR var kosin fyrsti kvenforseti í heimi, sent frá íslenska Sendiráðinu í Kaupmannahöfn.
Lot: 61446
ISK 1.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1985 - Ísland - Bréf
Registered express cover sent from Reykjavik to SOUTH AFRICA in 1984, arrival cancels on back.
Lot: 61447
ISK 1.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
2014 - Ísland - Bréf
Sjaldséð birtingarvottorðsumslag með frá árinu 2014.
Lot: 61448
ISK 2.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
ca 1920? - Ísland - Bréf
Old telegram with a short Christmas greeting.
Lot: 61449
ISK 2.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
Ísland - Bréf
3 bréf með Íslandstengingu.
Lot: 61450
ISK 1.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
Ísland - Bréf
Ballot cover with a wax seal of "Undirkjörstjórn 12".
Lot: 61451
ISK 500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
Ísland - Annað
Pre-printed inter-office postal form inscribed DJÚPIVOGUR.
Lot: 61452
ISK 1.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1903 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
3 aura bréfspjald sent sem fundarboð innanbæjar í Reykjavík árið 1903 með hinum sjaldséða pósthússstimpli “Árdegis”.
Lot: 61454
ISK 32.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1908 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
3/5 aur Christian X postal stationery card used locally within Reykjavík, meeting notification on back. Rounded corners.
Lot: 61455
ISK 1.300,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
2000 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
Postally used 35 kr postal stationery card with a 5 kr additional franking for the 40 kr rate, cancelled in Reykjavik in 2000. A yellow post office label asking the addressee to ask the sender to use the full and proper address on future mailings.
Lot: 61456
ISK 1.800,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1938 - Ísland - Annað
EXCEPTIONAL small size Christmas card with a (tiny) miniature calendar for the year 1938 affixed as a decoration on front. With the calendar of course being usable to some extent, petty officials will presumably have demanded it to be taxed and therefore it has received the scarcely seen revenue/tax handstamp "ALMANAKSSJÓDUR" on one of the pages. An awesome item for an exhition collection due to it's size. RARE ITEM.
Lot: 61457
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
Ísland - Annað
Very rare piece of document with two Spanish consular revenues applied and cancelled at the Spanish Consulate in Reykjavík.
Lot: 61459
ISK 1.800,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1923 - Ísland - Bréf
Lot: 61460
ISK 75.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1902 - Ísland - Heilpóstur - Stimplað
LIVERPOOL SHIP cds in red serving as a transit cancel on a double 10 aur Christian postal card (leaving the reply part unused) sent from Reykjavik to Paderborn, Germany on 15.12.1902.
Lot: 61464
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1911 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming postcard from Denmark sent with the mail ship S/S "CERES" according to the endorsement.
Lot: 61465
ISK 2.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1911 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming postcard from Denmark sent with the mail ship S/S "BOTNIA" according to the endorsement.
Lot: 61466
ISK 2.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1911 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming postcard sent from Copenhagen by "S/S Ceres" to Reykjavik in 1910.
Lot: 61467
ISK 3.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1913 - Ísland - Bréf
Lítið og nett skipsbréf frímerkt með 4 og 6 aura Kristjáns IX merkjum. Bréfið fyrst stimplað við komuna til Kaupmannahafnar með nokkuð óvenjulegum stimpli KJOBENHAVN B. B. B.
Lot: 61468
ISK 18.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1926 - Ísland - Bréf
Incoming ship mail cover sent from Denmark with scarcer franking of 12/15 öre provisional first cancelled on arrival in REYKJAVÍK.
Lot: 61469
ISK 4.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1936 - Ísland - Bréf
Ship letter franked with a British stamp, mailed onboard a ship destined for Reykjavík and cancelled there before being sent onwards to the addressee in the UK.
Lot: 61470
ISK 2.800,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1939 - Ísland - Bréf
Very interesting ship letter from KEA AKUREYRI (cooperative society) cancelled with their postage paid advertising slogan and then posted at the docks as a ship letter to be sent to Denmark and receiving a boxed "Skipsbrjef" handstamp while in transit in Reykjavik.