5 aur merki í tökkun 13 yfirprentað með tölustafnum "3" í rauðu ásamt orðinu "þrír" í svörtu á bréfi stimpluðu í Reykjavík 2.11.97 og komustimplað á framhlið með kórónustimplinum AKRANES.
Lot: 61406
ISK 28.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1913 - Ísland - 65, 81 - Bréf
Registered cover sent to Denmartk in 1913 with a franking of 25 aur in the form of 5 aur Christian IX as well as two copies of 10 aur Two Kings. Reduced at top.
Lot: 61407
ISK 5.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1909 - Ísland - 81 - Bréf
RARE DESTINATION. Postcard franked with 10 aur Two Kings stamp sent to MEXICO from Reykjavik in 1909, arrival cancel.
Lot: 61408
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1915 - Ísland - 92 - Bréf
Unusual 1915 LOCAL RATE postcard cancelled ÍSAFJÖRÐUR on 3 aur Two kings stamp. Local rate cards/covers outside Reykjavik are scarcely seen.
Lot: 61409
ISK 4.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1912 - Ísland - 116 - Bréf
Clean little cover sent to Germany in 1912, franked with a single 20 aur Frederik VIII silhouetter stamp cancelled HAFNARFJÖRÐUR 25.V.12. Transit cancelled in REYKJAVIK on the same day and arrival cancelled “EDINBURGH 11” on JU 2 12.
Lot: 61410
ISK 5.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1926 - Ísland - 125, 126 - Bréf
Nice little cover sent to Germany at the 7 aur printed matter rate in 1926, franked with one of each of the 3 and 4 aur values of the first Christian X issue.
Lot: 61411
ISK 5.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1931 - Ísland - 133, 171 - Bréf
Very clean registered cover sent to Germany franked with two copies of 15 aur Christian X as well as a single 35 aur Views stamp. Transit and arrival cancels on back.
Lot: 61412
ISK 5.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1925 - Ísland - 135, 138 - Bréf
Extremely clean registered commercial banking cover sent from AKUREYRI to Copenhagen in 1925, franked with a brown 20 aur as well as 30 aur Christian X stamps of the first issue.
Lot: 61413
ISK 12.000,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1931 - Ísland - 172 - Bréf
Very neat registered cover with single franking of 50 aur Views, sent from Reykjavik to Copenhagen.
Lot: 61414
ISK 2.000,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1945 - Ísland - 198 - Bréf
Par af 65 aura Gullfossmerkjum á bréfi til Danmerkur með eftirstríðsritskoðunarmiða og stimpli 494.
Lot: 61415
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1946 - Ísland - 201, 203 - Bréf
Extremely clean cover franked with stamps from the 1933 Charity issue sent from Reykjavík to Sweden by registered airmail in 1946.
Lot: 61416
ISK 5.800,00
Fjöldi boða: 2
1940 - Ísland - 206 - Bréf
Beautiful cover sent to Denmark in 1940 franked with a single 25 aur airmail stamp from the 1934 issue, the stamp tied by a SIGLUFJÖRDUR cds.
Lot: 61417
ISK 4.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1938 - Ísland - 210.. - Bréf
Insured cover (money letter) sent to England in 1938. Two was seals on back. Worn.
Lot: 61418
ISK 4.800,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1937 - Ísland - 218-220 - Bréf
Ríkisstjórnarafmæli Kristjáns Tíunda, heilt þriggja merkja sett á umslagi sem stimplað er 15.5.1937, daginn eftir útgáfudaginn (en sama dag og smáörkin var gefin út).
Lot: 61419
ISK 3.800,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
Ísland - 247 - Bréf
Neat little printed matter rate cover franked with a single 12 aur Fish stamp used within Reykjavík.
Lot: 61420
ISK 1.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1949 - Ísland - 281 - Bréf
Unusual single franking of 12 aur Mt. Hekla stamp on a 1949 printed matter rate cover.
Lot: 61421
ISK 1.800,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1953 - Ísland - 284.. - Bréf
Unusual franking of e.g. two copies of the 3.30 kr Aeroplane over Glacier stamp sent domestically in 1953.
Lot: 61422
ISK 2.400,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1953 - Ísland - 284 - Bréf
Scarcer parcel card for an insured parcel sent from Reykjavík to Patreksfjördur in 1953.
Lot: 61423
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: 1
1951 - Ísland - 304 - Bréf
Beautiful little airmail cover sent to the German Democratic Republic in 1951 with an extremely clearly struck "LOFTLEIDIS / PAR AVION" cachet.
Lot: 61424
ISK 1.800,00
Fjöldi boða: -
1958 - Ísland - 342 - Bréf
Very nice commercial airmail cover sent toLiverpool in 1955 with a scarcer franking of 2.45 kr Aandakílsárvirkjun of the 1956 Powerplants issue.
Lot: 61425
ISK 2.500,00
Fjöldi boða: -
Ísland - TJ44/TJ46 - Bréf
Window envelope franked with a pair of 5 aur and a single 15 aur Christian X official stamps cancelled in Hafnarfjördur.