Incoming ship letter from LEITH, franked with a British 2 1/2 penny stamp first cancelled in transit in AKUREYRI before being forwarded to Laxárdalur near Húsavík. RARE ITEM.
Unusual ship mail cover sent to the FAROE ISLANDS in 1939, presumably mailed at portside in Reykjavik (from a Reykjavik merchant). The relatively unusual franking of a single 20 aur NYWF cancelled with a THORSHAVN Klipfisk slogan CDS with the boxed "Paquebot" ship letter handstamp from Thorshavn alongside. The cover slightly reduced at left.
Lítið og nett skipsbréf frímerkt með 4 og 6 aura Kristjáns IX merkjum. Bréfið fyrst stimplað við komuna til Kaupmannahafnar með nokkuð óvenjulegum stimpli KJOBENHAVN B. B. B.
Ship letter franked with a British stamp, mailed onboard a ship destined for Reykjavík and cancelled there before being sent onwards to the addressee in the UK.
Ship mail postcard mailed onboard a Dutch cruise ship "M.S. COLOMBIA", franked with a 7 aur Jochumsson stamp (printed matter rate) cancelled in Reykjavik before being forwarded through the Icelandic postal system to the addressee in Holland.
Sjaldséð ekta pótnotkun á skipspósts-stimplinum „Frá Danmörku“ sem í þessu tilviki hefur verið sleginn á póstkort sem ritað hefur verið á sænsku og frímerkt með sænskum frímerkjum og póstlagt um borð í skipi á leið frá Danmörku til Íslands.
FLEKKEFJORD - Very rare modern ship letter mailed onboard "M/F HERJÓLFUR" in 1992, around the time that the ship left for it's new owners in Iceland from Flekkefjord in Norway where it had just been built.