1943 - Ísland - 150, 242 - Bréf

Commercial printed matter cover "sent open" to the United States at the 12 aur rate. US censorship handstamp with the number "9837" filled in by hand on back, the handstamp cancelling both the main part of the back as well as the back flap which had been placed inside the envelope as possible.

Ekki er hægt að bjóða lengur.
Lokið 10.11.2024 23:30:00
Upphafsboð: ISK 5.000,00
Sjá boðsögu: 0 boð
Sendingarkostnaður (21 gram)

Sótt eða sent með eldri pöntun: ISK 0,00

Lot: 61368 (A504720)