Incoming ship letter from LEITH, franked with a British 2 1/2 penny stamp first cancelled in transit in AKUREYRI before being forwarded to Laxárdalur near Húsavík. RARE ITEM.
VARIETY: Two slot machine (automat) perforated 20 aur Gullfoss stamps on 1936 ship letter sent to the Danish Legation in Spain. The stamps cancelled with a machine cancel while in transit in EDINBURGH, Paquebot marking alongside.
Ship letter from 1938 sent with Icelandic stamps onboard the Swedish M/S Kungsholm and cancelled with the ship's cds cancellation, arrival cancelled NORD KAP.
Ship letter franked with a British stamp, mailed onboard a ship destined for Reykjavík and cancelled there before being sent onwards to the addressee in the UK.
Scarcely seen properly postally forwarded ship mail postcard sent onboard an incoming ship from Denmark in 1967, franked with Swedish stamps that have been cancelled on arrival with a Reykjavík cds as well as the "Frá Danmörku" hand stamp.
Official parcel card sent by stock center of the national telephone monopoly in Reykjavik to the telephone/telegraph office at Gerdar in Gardur with numerous office handstamps of which one is the "BÍLPÓSTUR" marking.