2007 - Iceland - 1234a - Stamp - mint NH
Personalised postage stamp (domestic postage) with an image of Dyrhólaeyjarviti lighthouse, MNH.
  • Lot: A550081
Price ISK 1,700.00
2007 - Iceland - 1234a - Stamp - mint NH
Personalised postage stamp (domestic postage) with an image of Hjalteyrarviti lighthouse, MNH.
  • Lot: A550082
Price ISK 1,700.00
2007 - Iceland - 1234a - Stamp - mint NH
Personalised postage stamp (domestic postage) with an image of Arnarnesviti lighthouse in Skutulsfjördur, MNH.
  • Lot: A550083
Price ISK 1,700.00
2007 - Iceland - 1234a - Stamp - mint NH
Personalised postage stamp (domestic postage) with an advert: WWW.DVAKOTA.COM, MNH.
  • Lot: A550085
Price ISK 1,500.00
2008 - Iceland - 1240 - Stamp - Cancelled
DIFFICULT cancelled miniature sheet of the Forestation issue that was not included in the respective year folder and is therefore very sought after.
  • Lot: 62865
ISK 6,500.00
2013 - Iceland - 1300a - Stamp - mint NH
Mint personalised stamp showing an "Icelandic 8 skilding stamp from 1873", issued by the Icelandic Philatelic Federation for the Nordic stamp exhibition Nordia 2013 which was held in Iceland that year.
  • Lot: A550049
Price ISK 3,000.00
2012 - Iceland - 1300a - Stamp - mint NH
Mint personalised stamp issued for the National stamp exhibition "Frímerki 2012", issued by the Icelandic Philatelic Federation.
  • Lot: A550051
Price ISK 2,500.00
2009 - Iceland - 1300a - Stamp - mint NH
Personalised postage stamp (postage to Europe) with an advert: WWW.MILLSONSTAMPS.COM, MNH.
  • Lot: A550084
Price ISK 1,500.00
2013 - Iceland - 1301a - Stamp - mint NH
Mint personalised stamp showing an "Icelandic 16 skilding stamp from 1873", issued by the Icelandic Philatelic Federation for the Nordic stamp exhibition Nordia 2013 which was held in Iceland that year.
  • Lot: A550050
Price ISK 3,000.00
1873 - Iceland - TJ2 - Stamp - Cancelled
8 skilding Official stamp with some imperfections cancelled HJARDARHOLT.
  • Lot: 62866
ISK 4,500.00
1873 - Iceland - TJ3 - Stamp - mint NH
Never hinged 4 skilding official in perf 12 1/2, faint line in the gum at top, presumably from rubbing.
  • Lot: 62719
ISK 11,000.00
1873 - Iceland - TJ3 - Stamp - Mint Hinged
Extremely lightly hinged 4 skilding official in perf 12 1/2.
  • Lot: 62720
ISK 5,500.00
1882-1895 - Iceland - TJ4-TJ9 - Stamp - Cancelled
Complete fine used set of officials in perf 14, six values in total. Facit 2.530.
  • Lot: 62868
ISK 5,200.00
Iceland - TJ6 - Stamp - Cancelled
10 aura merki í tökkun 14 með vel staðettum Reykjavíkurstimpli.
  • Lot: 62869
ISK 900.00
1876-1895 - Iceland - TJ7a-b - Stamp - Cancelled
Selected copies of both printings of the 16 aur official with nice corner cancels. Facit 750
  • Lot: 62870
ISK 2,600.00
1895 - Iceland - TJ7b - Stamp - Mint Hinged
Fresh lightly hinged 16 aur Official stamp from printing 2 of 1895.
  • Lot: 62724
ISK 1,500.00
1900 - Iceland - TJ11 - Stamp - mint NH, Mint Hinged
Well centered block of four of the 4 aur Official stamp of 1900. The upper stamps extremely lightly hinged while the lower stamps are NEVER HINGED. Facit as loose well centered stamps is 3.800.
  • Lot: 62728
ISK 12,000.00
1902-1903 - Iceland - TJ16/TJ25 - Stamp - Cancelled
9 different cancelled Í Gildi official stamps, incl. 5, 16, 20 and 50 aur in perf 14. Facit 3.588.
  • Lot: 62871
ISK 7,500.00
1902-1903 - Iceland - TJ17 - Stamp - Mint Hinged
10 aur Í Gildi official in perf 14, hinged. Facit 3.600.
  • Lot: 62730
ISK 8,500.00
1904 - Iceland - TJ23N - Stamp - mint NH
Never hinged Bern printing of 10 aur Í Gildi official.
  • Lot: 62732
ISK 2,700.00
1902-1936 - Iceland - TJ30-TJ56 - Stamp - mint NH
Ten different never hinged official stamps issued in the period 1902-1936. Facit 3.782.
  • Lot: 62734
ISK 4,500.00