ca 1905 - Ísland - 1 - Bréf
Incoming ship letter from LEITH, franked with a British 2 1/2 penny stamp first cancelled in transit in AKUREYRI before being forwarded to Laxárdalur near Húsavík. RARE ITEM.
  • Lot: 64222
ISK 9.000,00
1956 - Ísland - 26 - Bréf
HÚSAVÍK B2c1, beautiful strike tying a single 70 aur Manuscript stamp to a 1956 domestic cover.
  • Lot: 64236
ISK 1.500,00
1911 - Ísland - 76, 109 - Bréf
Cover sent to the United States in 1911 franked with two copies of 1 eyr Two Kings as well as two copies of 4 aur Sigurdsson (total of 10 aur). Circular "T" postage due handstamp applied in Reykjavik prior to the cover's departure to the United States. Part of the reverse missing.
  • Lot: 64080
ISK 5.000,00
1909 - Ísland - 81 - Bréf
RARE DESTINATION. Postcard franked with 10 aur Two Kings stamp sent to MEXICO from Reykjavik in 1909, arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 64082
ISK 12.000,00
ca 1915 - Ísland - 84 - Bréf
Very interesting printed advertising cover from a Reykjavik merchant franked with a 20 aur Two Kings stamp with SHIFTED CENTER CLICHÉ (kings heads). The stamp tied with a slightly blurry DÝRAFJÖRÐUR Lapidar cancel.
  • Lot: 64083
ISK 5.000,00
1924 - Ísland - 105.. - Bréf
Registered cover sent to the United States in 1924. Franked with e.g. a pair of 20/40 aur Two Kings provisional (scarcely seen on cover). Two oval letter seals of the Reykjavik Postmaster on back, tied to the cover by the blue crayon registration crosses as well as a Philadelphia arrival cancel.
  • Lot: 64085
ISK 25.000,00
1906 - Ísland - 110 - Bréf
110 (Hesteyri) as an arrival cancel on an incoming postcard from 1906, franked with a single 5 aur Christian IX stamp cancelled in ÍSAFJÖRDUR.
  • Lot: 64007
ISK 12.000,00
1909 - Ísland - 125 - Bréf
125 (Bíldudalur), beautifully franked and cancelled inland cover from 1909 franked with ten 1 eyr Two Kings stamps. Transit cancelled PATREKSFJÖRDUR on back.
  • Lot: 64009
ISK 28.000,00
1912 - Ísland - 126 - Bréf
126 (Brjánslækur) on domestic cover sent via AKUREYRI to SAUDARKROKUR in 1912. Transit and arrival cancels on back. ONLY 3-4 COVERS ARE KNOWN to exist with this cancellation.
  • Lot: 64010
ISK 35.000,00
1925 - Ísland - 151 - Bréf
151 (Harrastaðir/Sauðafell) on 20 aur Museum stamp on cover sent to Denmark in 1925. Arrival cancelled on back.
  • Lot: 64235
ISK 17.000,00
1930 - Ísland - 187 - Snifsi
Einkar skemmtilegt EKTA NOTAÐ snifsi með ellefu 10 kr Alþingishátíðarmerkjum stimpluðum með Reykjavíkurstimpli. Eftir því sem við vitum best er engin ekta gengin, ófílatelistísk notkun þekkt af þessu verðgildi (á heilu bréfi).
  • Lot: 64099
ISK 30.000,00
1930 - Ísland - 189 - Bréf
Flugbréf sent frá Reykjavík til Seyðisfjarðar, frímerkt með tveimur 15 aura Alþingishátíðar flugmerkjum. Bréfið móttökustimplað á Seyðisfirði 10.VII.30.
  • Lot: 64164
ISK 4.500,00
1936 - Ísland - 195R - Bréf
AFBRIGÐI: Tvö SJÁLFSALATÖKKUÐ 20 aura Gullfossmerki á skipsbréfi sendu til Spánar árið 1936. Frímerkin stimpluð við komuna bréfsins til EDINBURGH, skipspóststimpill „Paquebot“ til hliðar. Þessi tökkun er ansi sjaldséð á bréfum.
  • Lot: 64225
ISK 7.500,00
1953 - Ísland - 209 - Bréf
ÖGUR B1a on a registered philatelic cover from 1953.
  • Lot: 64031
ISK 2.200,00
1938 - Ísland - 210 - Bréf
Pair of 10 aur Dynjandi on ship letter to Denmark, cancelled by BERGEN PAQUEBOT machine cancel while in transit.
  • Lot: 64226
ISK 2.000,00
1976 - Ísland - 220 - Bréf
BÓLSTAÐARHLÍÐ B2a on cover sent to Sweden in 1976.
  • Lot: 64032
ISK 1.500,00
1935 - Ísland - 227 - Bréf
Ship letter from 1938 sent with Icelandic stamps onboard the Swedish M/S Kungsholm and cancelled with the ship's cds cancellation, arrival cancelled NORD KAP.
  • Lot: 64227
ISK 4.800,00
Ísland - 247 - Bréf
Neat little printed matter rate cover franked with a single 12 aur Fish stamp used within Reykjavík.
  • Lot: 64104
ISK 1.000,00
1939 - Ísland - 252-254 - Bréf
Fallegt fyrstadagsumslag með þeim þremur verðgildum sem komu út af NYWF útgáfunni þann 30. apríl 1939 (2 kr merkið kom út síðar).
  • Lot: 64264
ISK 2.400,00
1948 - Ísland - 262 - Bréf
262 (Varmahlíð) on a 1948 postcard sent to Norway bearing a single 45 aur Geysir stamp.
  • Lot: 64013
ISK 20.000,00
1947 - Ísland - 274-279 - Bréf
Flugmerki útgefin 1947, heilt sett á fyrstadagsumslagi stimplað KEFLAVÍK-FLUGVÖLLUR.
  • Lot: 64270
ISK 2.000,00