Iceland - 147 - Stamp - Cancelled
147 (Staðastaður) on pair of 3 aur Two Kings.
  • Lot: 62545
ISK 800.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 150 - Stamp - Cancelled
150 (Gilsbakki) on 3 aur Sigurdsson.
  • Lot: 62546
ISK 1,200.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 151 - Stamp - Cancelled
151 (Harrastaðir) on pair of yellowish green 5 aur Christian X.
  • Lot: 62547
ISK 1,000.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 153 - Cut
153 (Brúarfoss) on pair of 10 aur Views on piece.
  • Lot: 62548
ISK 1,000.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 156 - Stamp - Cancelled
156 (Garður 2) in a very beautiful strike on 10 aur Views stamp.
  • Lot: 62549
ISK 800.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 157 - Stamp - Cancelled
157 (Hafnarfjörður) on 4 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62550
ISK 900.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 158 - Stamp - Cancelled
158 (Hestur 1), nice upright strike on 10 aur Christian IX.
  • Lot: 62551
ISK 700.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 163 - Stamp - Cancelled
163 (Kalmanstjörn) on pair of yellowish green 5 aur Christian X. Facit 1.500.
  • Lot: 62552
ISK 2,200.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 171 - Stamp - Cancelled
171 (Vogatunga) on 10 aur Frederik.
  • Lot: 62553
ISK 900.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 171 - Stamp - Cancelled
171 (Vogatunga) on 4 aur Two Kings.
  • Lot: 62554
ISK 700.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 171 - Stamp - Cancelled
171 (Vogatunga) AS WELL AS 158 (Hestur) on pair of 5 aur Two Kings. UNUSUAL.
  • Lot: 62555
ISK 1,200.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 175 - Stamp - Cancelled
175 (Arnarstapi) on 5 aur Two Kings stamp.
  • Lot: 62556
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 176 - Stamp - Cancelled
176 (Silfrastaðir) on 20 aur Museum stamp, some ragged perfs at right.
  • Lot: 62557
ISK 600.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 182 - Stamp - Cancelled
182 (Kálfshamarsvík) in VIOLET INK on pair of 5 aur Two Kings.
  • Lot: 62558
ISK 1,400.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 184 - Stamp - Cancelled
184 (Kolkuós) in a very bold strike on 10 aur Two Kings. Facit 400.
  • Lot: 62559
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 185 - Stamp - Cancelled
185 (Rauðkollsstaðir) on 0.75 kr + 0.25 kr Skálholt charity stamp of 1956.
  • Lot: 62560
ISK 1,800.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 191 - Stamp - Cancelled
191 (Hnífsdalur), two strikes on strip of four of 5 aur Two Kings. Facit 400x2.
  • Lot: 62561
ISK 3,000.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 197 - Stamp - Cancelled
197 (Ólafsfjörður) on 10 aur Two Kings stamp.
  • Lot: 62562
ISK 700.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 198 - Stamp - Cancelled
198 (Keflavík), very beautiful on pair of 1 eyr Two Kings. Facit 200.
  • Lot: 62563
ISK 1,200.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -
Iceland - 199 - Stamp - Cancelled
199 (Bær 1) on 15 aur Two Kings.
  • Lot: 62564
ISK 1,200.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: 1
Iceland - 203 - Stamp - Cancelled
203 (Breiðabólsstaður 3) in a clear strike on 15 aur Christian X on small piece.
  • Lot: 62565
ISK 1,500.00
Time left 3 days 8 hour
No. of bids: -